Starting again for the last time! It's going to be a long journey!

Been super busy again, and not found time to update, but have weighed in this morning, and I've lost another 6lbs! :) Toying with the idea of moving back to weekly weigh-ins though, as it might help keep me more focussed.
Oh, and that latest loss means I've earned my club 10, for the first time ever on my journey!! :D:D:D
Oh well done you!! You are doing SO well! :D x
feeling very disappointed :( had a major binge out on chocolate, having found out I passed my stats OU course, but with only 55% of the marks from the exam, and I failed my pure maths course, with only 35% :( I am entitled to a resit, and I know it's due to various factors i.e. baby, moving house, and being generally busy, but still disappointed with myself.
Been super busy again, and not found time to update, but have weighed in this morning, and I've lost another 6lbs! :) Toying with the idea of moving back to weekly weigh-ins though, as it might help keep me more focussed.
You have got it nailed hun well done.

Oh, and that latest loss means I've earned my club 10, for the first time ever on my journey!! :D:D:D
Yippee. :D

feeling very disappointed :( had a major binge out on chocolate, having found out I passed my stats OU course, but with only 55% of the marks from the exam, and I failed my pure maths course, with only 35% :( I am entitled to a resit, and I know it's due to various factors i.e. baby, moving house, and being generally busy, but still disappointed with myself.
It's a disappointing result but with all you've had going on I'm not surprised you struggled. After all even though I know you are :superwoman: you are still allowed a bad day now and then. You will rock the resit. And as for the choc attack one day won't hurt the long term losses. The problem will only come if you beat yourself up about it and lose confidence in what you're doing. So get back on plan and chalk it up to experience. And you were sorely provoked by your results, so onwards and downwards hun. You can do this. :D
Been super busy again, and not found time to update, but have weighed in this morning, and I've lost another 6lbs! :) Toying with the idea of moving back to weekly weigh-ins though, as it might help keep me more focussed.

feeling very disappointed :( had a major binge out on chocolate, having found out I passed my stats OU course, but with only 55% of the marks from the exam, and I failed my pure maths course, with only 35% :( I am entitled to a resit, and I know it's due to various factors i.e. baby, moving house, and being generally busy, but still disappointed with myself.

Well done on the loss!!
And don't worry with the binge. Your over it now. We all do it too!. But you know you shouldn't have which is good.
Atleast you can resit them too. (What course did you do. I'm looking at OU course , but postponed with having Connor) xx
I did M249, practical modern statistics, and M208, pure maths, working towards a maths degree.
I've been looking at accountancy ones and business administration. Hoping to start next year :) x
Surprisingly managed to lose 1lb this week, despite my major binge! Now earnt my 2 1/2 stone sticker too. Onwards and downwards, and will see how much I can lose this next week, before I go on holiday :)
I hope so too! Really struggling arm with little martin, as he's not sleeping at night and he's grumpy all day too! Feeling the strain, and motivation keeps wavering. Trying to pack too as going on holiday on Friday, and finally going to see my mum!
No, my Mum's still not met Martin yet - only seen pictures through Facebook. Just hope he's feeling better soon - full of cold, high temperature, generally grumpy, possibly teething, and definitely not sleeping! I got 4 1/2 hours sleep last night in 2 blocks, which was the most I'd had in a night for over 3 weeks! Knackered!
Last night was better, and I could of ended up having a decent nights sleep, if I didn't decide tidying the house was more important until the small hours of the morning! Just finalising packing, and will be off within 6 hours. Got a neighbour to pop in daily and look after my reptiles whilst we're gone too. Also weighed in today and STS. I've had a couple of bad cases of the munchies this week, and now I know's star week! Never mind, hopefully get back to losses after my hols.
Last night was better, and I could of ended up having a decent nights sleep, if I didn't decide tidying the house was more important until the small hours of the morning! Just finalising packing, and will be off within 6 hours. Got a neighbour to pop in daily and look after my reptiles whilst we're gone too. Also weighed in today and STS. I've had a couple of bad cases of the munchies this week, and now I know's star week! Never mind, hopefully get back to losses after my hols.
Glad the wee fella is better and have a lovely break. :D
WI today was a STS - probably a holiday gain, which I managed to lose since getting home. Ready to get some more losses again now! :)