
hiya folks this is my 3rd attempt at LT! i did about 4 days both times and caved but ive put loads of weight on recently and just seem to be getting bigger :-( its depressing...i am hoping this time i stick to it...the problem is the weekends for me and htis week i am going out fro my auntys birthday on saturday so that will be a BIG test for me...if i can crack the first week i am sure i will be fine has anyone got any tips for me to help me stick to it? i know the main think is will power and i know i need to stick to is because i desperately need to loose this weight x
I'm back too after illness n putting on so much probably two stone after getting to a small 8 it's soul destroying. I've had blips this time gettin back into the swing of it but I found I was making excuses. Mates birthday party ohhh I'm only four days in I can have few drinks n start on Monday can't be unsociable etc etc. now I've looked in the mirror tried not to burst into tears n 'man-up' that's half the battle admitting not happy knowing there's solution n getting prepared. Next thing that helped n gave me the remaining fifty per cent n got me annoyed with myself (this emotion I find useful like ppl saying that will never work ohhh really?! Hold that thought!!) was I knew I could lose a stone a month on lipotrim by just sticking to three sachets. Not climb Everest not do triathlon training just say no to stuff n three shakes (NB. I'm not saying the diet is easy hell no but for the results n lean machine body we are just weeks away from I'm saying you don't need to turn into a navy seal marine). And each day is one seventh of the week. One week is 25% of a stone!!! I was annoyed I was stopping myself from looking that stone slimmer n knowing how much better i would look and feel after one month and then one stone down well baby the second or third won't seem so much a challenge but a journey if that makes sense?
My best advice from my jarble is seriously get on the shakes couple days before the party n drink fizzy water out wine glass San pelligrino green bottle is actually fit n I hate fizzy water!! Remember ya not missing out the opposite and yes WHEN you get through that day you defo can get through the others. I stopped alcohol for a week first n then thrown myself back into shakes yesterday n feel a lot better 24hrs in I want my size 8 figure back or to be honest not feel fat. Want wear what I want without thinking ohh but that colour would hide that tummy n hug my boyfriend without thinking god I hope I don't pass out from breathing in n ohhh no don't put ya hands there it wobbles n in one month or so time I hope no you can all ask me the question are you walking infront of him now instead of behind shaking that ass??!! Lol chin up babe we can do this x
Hi tonibobbit :)

Just wanted to wish you luck for your first week and for your first weigh-in. I also find weekends the hardest, but I'm getting through it and so can you. :)
Hi there. I am sure you can get through it. I hope I can be inspired by others to keep this up. I am on day 4 today. I am just taking it a day at a time or I will get depressed about it!