Starting in the morning

Hi all
I have just been out to Boots and bought the starter pack of celebrity slim with the intention of starting in the morning. No more waiting for Monday as all I seem to do is put on weight. After losing all my weight I have managed to gain 1.5 stone and feel very unhealthy. I used to be a gym bunny but can't face the gym and just climbing a couple flights of stairs leaves me breathless so I have to sort this! I do need support as I just can't stop eating and eating all the wrong foods. I am fed up. None of my clothes fit. I have been and picked a wedding dress and although it is being made to my measurements would feel much more confident if can get back down to the 11stone and half mark but right now that feels impossible! I have read through a few of the celebrity slim threads and they just seem to stop after a few posts...does this mean people give up after a few weeks? Is there anyone else following the programme? Do you have any advice or have you managed to keep your thread live so I can gain some inspiration? Lets see if I make it past day 1. Worth a shot I guess xoxo