Starting Lipotrim tomorrow!


New Member
Hi guys,

I've had the lipotrim sachets for quite a few days now and I'm trying to give myself the dutch courage to actually start the diet!! lol Everyone I've read has done brilliantly on here and I'm not sure I can do the same :s. If anyone has any tips that would be fab as I'm going to need it! Well done to everyone on this diet so far - you're such an inspiration.
Hi Lex im starting tomorrow too. Will be picking my packs up in the morning and having my 1st one around dinnertime. Vanilla hot with coffee. Yum! Have used LT in the past.

Best advice would be plenty of water (2-4 litres daily) and try not to overdo it for the first couple of weeks as your body adjusts to the drop in calories etc. You are likely to feel not very nice for the first few days but PLEASE hang in there, it gets so much easier. I always though people were fibbing about ketosis and the lack of hunger but its true. You just wake up one day and realise you feel fine and no hunger whatsoever. Best feeling ever. :)
Hi Lex
I am on week four of the diet and to be honest it can be hard at times, but i found it worth it after my 1st weigh in. My advicwe would be keep yourself busy and if you have any concerns etc always pop on here because someone is always at hand to give advice or support. Goodluck with week one hun xxx
Thank you so much for your comments! Yes I have stocked up on the bottles of water haha I seem to be so worried about giving up on the diet that I'm really nervous about actually starting it! I really wish I was at the week 4 stage already! You've had really great weight losses, I hope I can do the same! Good luck loser85 for tomorrow! Let me know how you're getting on!
Hi Lex123, I felt just like you before I started but I'm on day 6 today and feel like im winning! The first few days may be a bit of a struggle but stick with it as it really does get so much easier. Make sure you drink plenty of water and keep busy when you get hungry in the first week. The results will be so worth it! Just think of all the things you'll be able to do when you're at goal and the summer wardrobe you could buy! Im sure you CAN do it. You have already shown commitment by joining this forum and buying the sachets. It's not like we'll be on LT forever. It's just a few weeks/months so we can make the most of the rest of our lives. Lots of luck to you, and let me know how you get on :)
Best advice would be plenty of water and try not to overdo it for the first couple of weeks as your body adjusts to the drop in calories etc
Thanks for all your advice. Its going ok at the moment though drinking the water is hardd lol. Just wondering what times of day you normally have your shakes?
y hun - i have just done my 1st week my weigh in today was 11.5lb gone, then next few weeks wont be as good anything form 3-6lb. I drink sparkling water at night and weekend, akes it feel more special. I blitz my shakes with ICE with a hand blender, I have my 1st shake around 11am then 3.30ish then anything form 7-8pm, the later the day the less hungry i am, i save my shake until everyone else has eaten. i drink loads of water.
The first 3 days were horendouse for me, i got the flu like symptoms, dehydration, couldnt sleep, weak, furry tongue etc but hang in there.
i do my vanila shake with coffee and ice like a fraoacino, i do my choc hot at night and strawberry loads of ice.
Have a hot tea or coffee black in the day with tablet sweetner or peppermint tea to brake the shake times up, and keep busy :) keep me posted xx