stuggling today


Full Member
My kids are really stressing me out today makes me think I'm a comfort eater and never really notice. Tired and fed up
Hi Claire Louise - I was so glad to see Im not the only one struggling a bit today. For some reason I feel completely demoralised but there's no way Im gonna break today. I am a total comfort eater myself and I completely understand. Its weird not eating especially at weekends but its going to be so worth it, right? If youve had a slip, just pick yourself back up and dust yourself off. Maybe you should take a bit of time for yourself to have a bath or a walk if you can at all. Good luck with the rest of your day :)
Hey Clair Louise, know how it feels, little horrors! Having to feed them too doesn't help! Go into a room on your own with a glass of fizzy water, turn some music on and get a good book!:coffee: My OH has taken 3 of mine to the Trafford Centre :family2:(madness and the other has gone on a sleep over so I am home alone and getting all the jobs done.

I comfort eat and boredom eat, but that's why I am now on LT, we just have to learn another way of coping!
I haven't slipped and I'm not hungrey so I know I can do it but boy today is being difficult, currently decorating the stairs with a house full of children demanding this and that, wanting to paint, wish someone would give me a break. I know eating will make me feel worse because then I will have guilt as well as stress argghhh. Love the empathy guys it's great to know I'm not alone your posts and posting myself is what's keeping me sane ; )