SW with a disability?


Full Member
This is my 3rd time joining SW and I did well on it before. That is when I could walk the roads to help with the weight lose.
I have multiple Sclerosis that has now affected my mobility so can not go for walks and can not think of any other exercise that would help.

Is anyone else in the same boat or just doesn't exercise? Will I still be able to lose weight with just the plan?

Thanks Lindsay
Hiya :)

I don't do any exercise other than work, and never have really (this is also my third time doing SW, haha).
Plenty of people find they do lose weight on the plan without exercise, though it would be a lie to say exercise didn't help. How much do you have to lose?

Ultimately, it comes down to calories in vs calories out. But the point of SW is the focus on a normal, healthy diet. As long as you stick to plan, you should be dandy. Plenty of peple in my old group didn't do exercise because of health issues, and they still lost regularly :)

Congratulations on making the decision to join again, that's a fab step :) You CAN do this :)
Thanks for your reply.
I was weighed on Monday night and am 13st2. I got married last October (so only 9 months ago) and was 10st11 on my wedding day.

I would only want to be about 10-10.5 anyway as I am 5ft7 but that seems like a long way off. My first goal would be to get to 12st. I will be quite strict with the eating but I am scared if I don't lose this week it will completely put me off going back.

It is early days and it worked before so fingers crossed it will again x
Hi there!

I don't have a disability, but I am terrible for exercising. I intend to, but I always find an excuse to be honest!

Health organisations and sports trainers say it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. If you just focus on your eating, I'm sure you will be fine :)

Good Luck!
Give it a go! I don't work out much and i lose well (when I follow the plan....lol) so there's no reason why you shouldn't lose a good amount before any slow down? If you need to further in may e you could ask your GP or check out any support forums for your condition and see what other people are doing? If mobility is an issue then most swimming baths do a weekly session for those who have mobility issues? Even if you can't swim the buoyancy of the water might let you move about more freely?

Best of luck!!
Thanks for the replies.
I think I am doing well so far. I have stuck to the plan (I think) and have tried making housework part of my exercise by doing everything a little faster lol! If I need to go upstairs I will try and run or if having a bad day go up and down a couple of times.
I actually had bundles of energy all week. Did loads around the house, so much my husband got cross with me. I did hit a wall today and am so so tired but thats part of my illness. It made it harder to eat properly as didnt have the energy to cook. I ended up having a packet of bathcelors pasta and sauce so not too bad.

I just need to lose something in my first weigh in or it will really put me off. Up untill today I have been so strict, filling 1/3 of my plate with SFF and not using any syns (although no read it's better to use them). The way I look at it is....if I have not worked things out properly and have eaten syns then if I don't have any intentionally then it won't be so bad :eek:

Thanks again for the encouragment, Lindsay x
Hiya I have degenerative disc disease in my spine I struggle with exercise but I do find swimming and aquaerobics is one of the few things I can do! I can't walk hardly anywhere without bein in pain and use a stick if I have to walk anywhere further than a few cars width. I find the aquaerobics good cos it supports me n means in the water I can actually pretty much do what all the other ladies do!!!

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