Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

hey teamies,

How are we all doing this week so far? Hope we are all doing well and losing . I can't wait to wi i love the feeling of losing weight
it's quiet today on here guess your all busy. I joined the gym today and feel good for doing so . I know i can do well if i put my heart into the gym:D
Hiya, just got back from work (don't have time to get online during the day! Barely have time to stop for a glass of water!!) and WI after.

Lost 1lb this week at my official WI and think my wobble on Sat night is the main reason for that, so I'm at peace with it. CDC reckons that as my wobble was chicken with mushrooms from the Chinese, and I'm still in ketosis, the reason for my smaller than normal loss is just the salt in the sauce causing water retention, and she reckons I've got smaller in her opinion, so she says I should hopefully have a fairly good loss next week!

That said, my morning weight was 11.2 and that's the one I care about as it's a truer picture of my body in its actual state! So I only have 1lb to go to BMI 25 going by that :D

Hoping for 4lbs to take me to BMI 25 but I'll be fine with even 1lb! The closer I get to goal the more frustrating it is not to be there, but at the same time, the easier it is to cope with smaller losses weirdly!

Anyhoo, hope everyone has had a good day xxx
Morning Teamies! Am MUCH more cheerful today as my body has finally given up a pound. Yay! I may get as much as 3 pounds at my weigh in because I'd put on a couple when I went to see her. So at last things are moving. I'm still def retaining water so once that goes it should produce a good result.

Hypa - gym! Good for you. I was SOoooooooooo scared the first time I walked into a gym and it turned out for no reason at all!

WannaB - SOoooooooooooo close! How exciting for you. BMI 25. I don't know if I'll ever get there!
YAyyyyyayayyyayy Coley on that pesky lb!!! Good on ya hun, am feeling your joy right now!

My Wii fit this morning says I have dropped into BMI 25 now :D but I won't celebrate until my OFFICIAL weigh in gets me there... then I'll know I'm there for sure (cos that will be an evening weight) and it will be good to know that whenever in the day I'll get weighed, the heaviest I'll be is BMI 25. That's what I'm aiming for!

So excited but really just want to get there ASAP now :D

hiya all,

Hope we are all good. I am down -2.5 this week and I am feeling really weak today but it's TOTM and it's a really bad one really heavy and painful .But at least it's a lost:). Hope all are good.
2.5 is great - especially at TOTM. Its my weigh in tonight and I'm 214 on my scales so I'm hoping for 3 pounds. I'm still retaining water though.
hey al,

How are you all doing?Hope we are doing great? How is everyone doing with wi's this week? Dad is out of hospital finally!!! His got nurses going see him everyday and check his bag etc till his used to it. But means I can start focusing back on Anna again. Do you think its realistic to aim for 7 pound loss by my birthday which is 10th feb? or is it asking for too much?
Hi All

Good news on your Dad Anna - hopefully you will be able to settle back down to "normality" now, though no doubt you will still have plenty of running / visiting etc to do. Your birthday is the best part of three weeks away, so I think you can be hopeful on the 7lb.

Crisis at work meant I ended up in London this week covering for one of my staff members. I am shattered and didn't have enough packs to last the whole time as I didn't expect to be there for as long as I was (had to buy clean knickers too :)). I tied to be as good as I could. The hotel didn't have a great choice of veggie low carb food, so I ordered a wholemeal toasted cheese sandwich from someone who didn't speak much English. They brought CHIPS with melted cheese on top. In fairness, I didn't eat very many at all. Unofficial weigh in says that I've lost 2lb - not really bad when everything is taken into account - more than I was losing while ss'ing in the lead up to Christmas - so I am well pleased.

Glad the scales are moving Claire - it is horrible when they don't especially when everyone keeps saying how you HAVE to lose weight when you are eating so little. Hope it speeds up a bit.

Congrants on the BMI Wannabe - you are a star - and we are all going to join you .... soon.

Thanks. Wasn't a fun few weeks.

Nelli - sounds like you adapted well to your unexpected diet problem. Do I count that weigh in or are you having an official one before Sunday?
Hypa - Good news about your Dad. I think 7 pounds is do-able. You go girl!
Claire - my weigh in day was Tuesday and I missed it because of being away - so it's a few days yet before the next.

Hope everyone is doing well.

We are waiting on the central heating guys, so it is cold around here - still it's keeping me on the move :)

I'll use your unofficial 2lbs Nelli. I think we have space for 2 new members as WillB and Katie appear to have gone. I'll advertise
Nice one Coley! Well, since my gala dinner on Thurs and subsequent "naughty day" on Friday I am a few lbs up. But I have been 100% since Friday and am hoping that I'll have lost anything I gained by WI tomorrow.. and maybe another lb?!?

I can hope! But one thing's for sure, I'm 100% committed to getting to goal by doing CD to the letter. The bigwigs at the fancy work do on Tuesday will just have to deal with me not eating!!

Well done to you too Wannabe - you are not looking at many weeks at all until you get to target now.
My husband (of many years) told me last night that I am "perfect" the way I am - after I picked myself up from the floor, stopped laughing hysterically, and then carefully checked his face to see if he was having a joke - I though how sweet is that. He's way wrong, but very sweet.
I am having real problems with very dry itchy skin and falling out hair. Don't think it can be anything to do with the diet as no one else seems to have mentioned these types of problem - so I am putting it down to the weather.
hi was wondering if u have room for little old me lol?


nikki x