Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been on for a few days been out and about in my car stayed at friends 200 miles away. Was good to catch up. I am hoping the snow goes soon I am fed up of being so cold . bring on spring!!!! Well done on the weight loss's . Lets hope we have some crackers this week. I am really hoping for 3-4 off this week then I've hit the target I set for my birthday for 10th feb as my birthday is day before my WI.
Yayyyayyayayy, I weighed myself this morning after 24 hours of SSing...

and I'm 3lbs down already!!! That means the gain from last week has already gone, and it gives me hope that I might be in for a big loss this week (about blimming time). I may even see BMI 25 if I can lose another 3lbs in 6 days!!!

:D :D :D :bliss: :D :D :D I LOVE CAMBRIDGE!!!!!
:D whoop - it's like you've found with calorie cycling I think - sometimes we need to boost our intake to stimulate the body into losing again! :D xxx
well I have hit my birthday target as i lost 3.5 so that is 7ibs exactly which i set other week with 6 days remaining wahey:D
Yayyy well done Hypa! You're a true CD star :) keep it up!

I went to the doctors today about my illness (I have a virus apparently and just need to keep getting on with life til it goes away), and he told me to come off the diet as he reckons its giving me a low immune system as my body is on too few calories. He has given me some fantastic advice and actually (you can read about it on my diary in Gold Members if you're bored enough) it's really changed my perspective on things.

I now feel ready to move on from CD, and therefore dear teamies, it's time for me to resign my place in the team.

Thanks for standing by me and bearing with me during my wobbles, and being there to share my good news when I had a good loss. I've enjoyed being a part of your journeys and having you as a part of mine, so thankyou!

All the best in your own journeys and I know you'll get there - if I can do it, anyone can!

WannaB - I can't get into Gold members but I hope you have found what you were looking for. Good luck - I'm sure you won't need it and thanks for being a fabulous team member. Do keep popping in! x
How do you access gold members i dont even know where look or access her diary
Hiya guys, sorry I didn't realise you weren't able to access Gold Members yet - better get posting as you need 1000 posts (or it may be 1500), it's probably on the help board somewhere! Will try and find out.

Just to let you know I've dropped another lb this morning - I'm still using CD packs as brekkie and lunch as I want to use them up and wean myself off them steadily, which may mean that I continue to lose as I'm not eating food really apart from the odd snack until dinner time, and then it's a healthy, low carb, balanced meal. But I'll be off them soon when I feel ready to be weaned off them completely (but not just yet, I've become somewhat dependent on them).

So, my CD finish weight is 11.2 (1lb from healthy BMI) and I'm hoping that by Mondays WI with my CDC I'll have hit that target :)

Thanks again for all your support and I'll be popping in to check how you're getting on - that's if you don't mind me posting?

it's going take me soemtime to get to 1000 lol maybe this time next year lol. cant u paste it in here or something lol.

Claire how did your WI go this week are the scales moving for you?
hi all lost a pound this week not a lot so shes moving me onto step 3 so i can increase my exercise :)

hope u all have a good week :)

nikki xx
A pound is better than nout and moving up can be good. Went for my weigh in today and i've lost 2.5 pounds this week. Yay!
Well done Nikki and Coley on your losses :)

Sorry you can't get on Gold Members - that's pants, I keep my diary on there as it stops Google picking up on my posts and protects my privacy - I don't put anything on the main site I don't want strangers to be able to view as if you search on Google for weightloss related keywords, Minimins always comes up at the top!

Anyhoo, really pleased to see how you guys are getting on! Keep it up :)

Have we lost Devoted? Am going to submit our weigh-ins this week and I don't have one from her. Anyway good luck team!