Team 22 - XxX Rumbles XxX

look look i made it work!! is that the rite one???

god im clever...
you did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
off to watch a film catch you all tomorrow and don't forget to count lol
:eek:Hello, wow you can't keep up with you all lol!

Lovely to know all your real names but in my head you'll always be purple hugs, biltsy, louie, goosey and how soon is now:p Please forgive me if I do sometimes forget your 'proper' names, I am shocking with names I'm Carol by the way:D

Well back from my weigh in and I've lost another 4 pounds:eek::eek::eek::eek: I am so shocked! I really thought after last week I'd have a small loss this week, normally I'm a slow loser anyway so I'm really pleased:D

I was also very brave and found out my starting weight and current weight:cry:I am so so ashamed, BUT I figured I need to face up to it if I'm going to beat it. So I have even made a ticker, and I feel 'safe' enough here to be honest

Sorry this is all a bit me me me but one more thing:eek: I did something tonight I'm really proud of......I cheated a bit:eek: but the reason that I'm proud is that I did it in a completely calm controlled way:D My other half had cooked some pork steaks and they just smelled soooo I just cut off and ate a little tiny square of it just to taste it (am hoping it won't do too much harm or knock me out of ketosis?) and that was it! I tasted it, enjoyed it and didn't have the urge to scoff the whole plateful! and it just feels like a really big thing to me, like I'm really making progress (even though I've got a long way to go)

I'm glad you're all doing ok, and I'm really glad we're all in this together:gen126:
Congrat's on your weight loss!! That is fab! half a pound under a stone.. is a stone in my books! :) :)
don't be ashamed about the weight you need to lose.. look how positive you are being and that you are no longer a slow loser :) you are a GREAT loser! :)

As for the cheat.. it won't have knocked you out of ketosis.. as it's meat. BUT... be careful! little cheats lead to bigger cheats (I know from past history)! lol But am also glad it was controlled. :)

Erin there are 4 somewhere on this thread (I looked but couldn't find them) but if you like that one.. then it's the right one! and well done for adding it. :)
Oh and as for tickers, I use the one I have now rather than the other one as I kept 'losing it' when I went to update it.. drove me nuts!!
This one is good.. actually a real log in and works :)
Thanks purple:hug99:

I will try and avoid all cheating from now on, actually I'm not really tempted to cheat at all (I'm sure I'll have my moments though:eek:) but if I do I will be posting on here for either some kind words to stop me or a kick up the arse if I do it:D
we're all human hun.. :) and you did well not to eat the lot! ((hugs)) thanks for the rep :)

Am off to bed in a bit.. hubby is falling asleep on the sofa!
Looks like the girls are heading for a snow day! :)
Am looking forward to making a snow man! lol Not driving anywhere (horse will be better today for the now as has lots of shelter and adlib haylage) :D
Had my porridge so have a warm 'ready brek' glow now! lol
loved up great great loss and self control, you did so well with the pork, i'm impressed.
No snow here today, rained overnight instead but might be icey instead....
everyone have a brill day,,,don.t forget to count your trips lol
added some pics to my profile album :) have had loads of fun! :)
Purple, love your snow man!:D

Thanks biltsy:eek: I was really pleased about the pork thing, daft hey! I meant to say as well, don't beat yourself up about the toast it could have been a LOT worse and well done for getting back on the wagon:D any wobbles we have are a good learning experience for after we finish the diet xxx
:dancing_snowman:Thanks :) he's melting already and has lost his carrot!! poor lad! lol

Had a lovely banana custard lunch :) found some great receipes looking for the muffin.. will try the muffin soon too :)

Day is going well. Weighed myself this morning and am slightly amazed but will wait for CDC weigh in on Thursday :)
Maybe snowman is on cd too, cos we all melting lol
Hi all, hope all is well with everyone. I only disappeared at six yesterday and there was loads of posts to catch up with. Nice to know everyones names - I'm Louise but everyone calls me Lou. Louie was my nickname in the RAF!

All our snow is gone - so we haven't had a chance to make a snowman!! :p


think i might have kicked my self out of ketosis,
i had a fibre drink yesterday and today i'm starving, stomache is growling, rumbling, all i'm thinking of is food, already had 3 packs, and i could easily raid the fridge right now
((hugs)) hun, you know what to do.. buckle down, don't cheat and you'll be back in ketosis soon.
Don't give in to the fridge!! Think there is levels of ketosis, so maybe you may have just come out of mega ketosis but still in ketosis. I have to admit I ate some of the kids pasta last nigh, only four strands but I wondered if that would bring me out. Was mega craving it last night when I cooked for the girls - totm!!
Tested my urine at work this morning and there was differnent levels on the strip which relate to the levels of ketones present in your urine. Mine still showed some ketones present in my urine!!
Keep strong!!! xx
hang in there biltsy((hugs))

If you are out of ketosis then you wil soon be back in, probably by the morning, so try and distant bath,plenty of water and an early night

You can do this Hun and we're all here for you

sorry that should say distract, am posting on iPod!
ah no blitsy! crisis...i vote you shud either go to sleep...or drink a litre of water off the trot to fill up ur tum! ur craving might be gone in an hour...mine normaly goes after a bit...keep trucking!

btw - lost 7 point somthing pounds this week guys!...nothing special i know but i can cope with that! lost 5inchs in total of whole body...and just tried the mix a mousse it was just like angel delight gorgeous!!