Team 22 - XxX Rumbles XxX

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Mine is 12 stone dead.. not 12.5

Yours is 174lb so that's 12 stone 6lbs :D
so by the time i finish ssing done 7 weeks of 12 so far....another stone to lose and i'll just be overweight rather than obese classII.... already obese nearly there already......
Hi Sam

I was the first to sponsor you on your race.......
So glad I inspired you......I feel so proud lol

Hi all,

OMG! Biltsy - you are a weightloss super star. Well done - i'm so proud of you. How close are you to the 2 stone mark.

Sam - hope your feeling a little better. I don't react to well to sedatives either. I'm sure you'll be fine with your weightloss this week - well done for getting straight back on the cd.

Sorry wasn't around much yesterday - was trying to sort out the car and then the kids had swim training. Might not be around much today either - girls have swim training again and then I have a commitee meeting. I decided to join the swim club commitee because I thought now that I don't have uni work to concentrate on that I needed something else to devote my time to. Also I know that the evenings are when I start to crave things so I was hoping that being on the commitee would help.

I need a little advice from my team - was on a course today. When a lady started questioning my lunch - she reackoned that being on a vlcd could affect your concentration levels. She also suggested that someone she know had done LL and had made a huge drug error which was blamed upon the diet. Just wondering what you all thought?
Hi Lou, havent really herd anything about concentration levels, my cdc is a nurse and was throughout the time she was doing cd and hasn't mentioned anything like that. I'm not sure babes, would totally be worth asking your cdc and/or maybe starting a new thread to see if anyone else has herd of this, to be fair though they may have needed to find something to blame, and LL was the only thing they could think of, also the lady it happened to may have not being following LL properly, as in may have not had all her packs or water that day, but definetly worth a check up on chuck.

Thank you so much truddles lol you broke my sponsor cherry :D you really did inspire me to run it, and now i have two of my friends and my mum going for it as well lol,

went to see my grampa at the weekend (one with bowel/stomach cancer), it was horrible, he just looked like a bag of bones, it's such a shame, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy :(

I got wii fit at the weekend for my birthday off my mum (b'day not till 23rd but she is in australia for it), well we opened it today, as wasn't feeling to great yesterday and what a laugh we had!! he he
there is a guy who has it across the street from us, we can see him through his window, all i'm going to say is we decided to sut our curtains first as the guy across from us seems to like naked hoola hooping!!!
hahahahaha... wouldn't mind it so much if he was fit... but he is NOT!!! lol

hope you are all having a lovely day... off to check my sponsor page hehe
btw trudi, i think my race for life is june 28th or round about that, also speaking of bmi's last week i got down from class2 obese to class1!! lol vicory for me, have to get down to 12 stone 10lbs before i'm normal/overweight..... still a long while to go
love ya's all
Yay everyone on their BMI! :D great movements, well done Loved-up on getting to overweight. ;) Can't wait to follow you! :D

I've not heard about hte concentration and am not sure on the drug mix up either.. maybe it was ketosis that caused it, or being lower in weight quickly I guess could lead to problems. I guess with every diet there is someone with an opinion or two! lol

Well done joining the committee :)
I'm just back from watching Erin swim.. she's moved up to improvers and was shatered by the end as moved into the big pool for the entire lesson etc. :D she did well though. :)

I can't believe this time tomorrow I'll be sat in a college class!! :p can't wait but can.. if you know what I mean. :)

Goosey had to laugh at the man with teh Wii.. I had a neighbour across the way from me like that once.. I was 19 living in Glasgow on the 17th floor.. you'd think i'd be safe but no, he stood on a chair in HIS flat in the bloke across from us.. :eek: he was kicked out in the end (as was a tenant not an owner thankfully).

Hope you enjoy your Wii though :) had a go on my neighbours next door - who is on CD too :) we had a right giggle.

Graham and the girls are having spag bol and garlic bread.. :sigh: one of my favourite meals :(

Neighbour has just shown up.. seems our drains (sewage) are blocked!
Thank you so much truddles lol you broke my sponsor cherry :D you really did inspire me to run it, and now i have two of my friends and my mum going for it as well lol,

lol you called me troodles....thats what BF and my mates call me,
tell me how u get on with the wii fit, cos i fancy one...

Lou, bet that woman was just mouthing off... ignore her.....CD has been around for 20 odd years, LL for a few, people willl blame anything other than themselves if they cock up...... i know people who have lost tons on LL with no ill affect...... and i done 2 stone on cd so far yip yip..
sorry so excited still......

got a nice compliment from a mum at the school today, about how good i look and how much had i lost buzzing

where's Nina?????? she doesn't seem to post much on here!!!!!!
I can't believe this time tomorrow I'll be sat in a college class!! :p can't wait but can.. if you know what I mean. :)

Neighbour has just shown up.. seems our drains (sewage) are blocked!

good luck at college tommorrow, and i hope it doesn't smell tooooo bad, nasty drains lol
Thanks :)

As for the drains.. would you believe in 54 minutes are sorted!! Called the council and the man arrived 10 mins ago.. all done!! I'm amazed!! lol
years ago i did the same, 3 weeks later they turned
3 WEEKS!! omg I'd have been going mad! lol we have 2 manholes in our garden.. can't imagine what it would have been like if they overflowed! :yuk::9529::sign0137::bolt:
they started with you've got a rat dead in the walls..... then water board, no joy......then we found out that we shared drains with two door started to back up in their loo and then it all got sorted......very strange but 3 weeks of that smell was gross...
i'm glad its gone
I'm here ladies! I am the worlds worst team mate! Off work this week tidying so not on the
Computer much! How is everyone? Any news? My weigh in day tomorrow, yay! Can finally notice it coming off, cannot wait for the 15's!

Purple how's the laptop going? Did you find that site to watch the biggest loser? I watch it on reality tv which doesn't require downloads.
I bottled the downloading!! lol tried on site to watch it and it tried adding spyware to my laptop.. had to abort it and restore it to a previous time!! :eek: considering how new it is it was a bit scary! lol

Just finished watching the finale of the one with the twin blokes in :) was good but plan to watch the rest without the girls as fosling CANNOT be quiet during anything and doesn't actually take any information in (I think her mind wanders).. so asks a million questions.

Hope you got all your tidying done :)
they started with you've got a rat dead in the walls..... then water board, no joy......then we found out that we shared drains with two door started to back up in their loo and then it all got sorted......very strange but 3 weeks of that smell was gross...
i'm glad its gone
nightmare for you! hopefully it doesn't return!
We are part of a two house drain, but our next door neighbours had a huge garden and got permission to build a 4 bed detached in it.. so that makes us 3 houses into that drain.
Am thinking we were very lucky about the council tonight though. :)
Hello everyone

Sorry its just a quick pop in cos am at work and posting on my iPod

just wanted to say a huge Woo Hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! To biltsy, that is an AWESOME loss :)

I lost 4lbs this week and am over the moon to have lost over two stone!!

Will catch up with everyone tomorrow but lots of luv to you all xxxxxxx
morning all

up too early and leave in 15 minutes..

well done loved up on 4lb thats awesome you've lost over 2 stone.... well done

have a brill 100% day everyone

Well done Loved up - yipppeeeeee 2 stone down!!!

Good luck PH for today. Hope you the hospital appt is ok for your fostling Trudy.

Trudy and Gossey promise to sponsor you both when I get paid.

Have a good day - catch you all later xx

Have a