Team sandybums

Yeah!! That's great what a fab feeling you must be so chuffed! Well done love x
hi guys im back:wavey:

ive been :missing: awhile but now im back.ive got loads of catching up todo tonight so that should keep me busy lol. hope you are all doing well.
im seeing my cdc a week tomorrow as i have enough shakes till then so my official restart is in the morning. i have been off plan for most of the past 5 months and have gained a whopping 2st 10lbs :cry:but im still 1st 8lbs down from when i started back in november so im going to try my hardest to not beat myself up over the gain and look forward to a slimmer xmas :109:
catch up with you all later and good luck and well done to you all xxxxxx
welcome back mumto1 :D
OMG had to update ya on my avidlite food packs, i love :love: the spag bol oooo so yummy its small but filling and i love :love: the lemon yoghurt bar oooo its delicious better than the berry & white choc bar so i will definitely be ordering more of them :)

Yay 4 avidlite :) wish I found them sooner
It's not cd :-0 it's another meal replacement option google them and you'll find them
It's cheaper and in my opinion nicer and more choice :)
shell09 said:
It's not cd :-0 it's another meal replacement option google them and you'll find them
It's cheaper and in my opinion nicer and more choice :)

I second that shell09 it definitely nicer
Wished I'd have found them sooner too xx

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I'll have a nosey at them later although I'm quite content on cd

3rd wi and I've lost 4 lb yay 15lb in 3 weeks and 12 lb to goal.

Realistically I want to lose another 7 within 5 weeks for hols as I'm gonna start exercising and toning more and have 2 weekends off so praying I can sts those weeks and not gain - of course a little loss would be perfect but I won't hold out much hope!!

Hope your all well. Still patiently waiting for my 30 day shred to arrive x
Well done lil_legs that's brill
I'm sure you will get that 7lbs off no problem :)

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Well done lil legs that's fab. Got my wi later hope I do as well.

Welcome back mumto1 nice to have u back good luck with the restart today. x
Hi all

I'm sooo tired and grumpy today I'm freezing n generally feeling fat n fed up. I'm seriously contemplating eating a nice cooked meal tonight with carbs!!!! But j have the dentist at 4 after work and the school run so is there even a point with a numb mouth!! And would I be able to get back on plan in the morning
Ah just got to re focus and get a few early nights!
Hi shell I no how u feel I feel fat and fed up too. And tempted to give in. But we can't!! Have to keep going and it will be worth it - u haven't got long to go either. So early to bed for the both of us. Hope the dentist is ok x
Ru2thy said:
Hi shell I no how u feel I feel fat and fed up too. And tempted to give in. But we can't!! Have to keep going and it will be worth it - u haven't got long to go either. So early to bed for the both of us. Hope the dentist is ok x

Hi, I second what Ru2thy says, when ever I feel like giving in I have a nice pamper style bath and paint nails etc to take my mind of it, then get an early night, u always wake up feeling very proud that u didn't give in :0) stay strong :0) x
I'm back with my tail between my legs :-(

I cheeeeated! Big time! I ate a cake and a chocolate and a mcdonalds burger and chips! Talk about blow out!

I feel totally sick! And my tummy aches literally..... I didn't eat all that in one go btw!! I've missed 2 packs so at least saved this cals I'm thinking in terms if dammage limitation!!
Ok I'm not going to use this as an excuse to throw the towel in I'm drinking my mcdonalds drink of diet coke (what a joke!) and that's it I'm going to bed early and starting a fresh in the morning!

I do feel a bit stupid and it wasn't as good as I thought but I just really wanted something! And if I didn't have it I'd just pine for it every day! I hope I've got it out of my system n that's it done!
Hi shell, not to worry what's done is done. Maybe u just needed to get it out your system and u will be ready to go again tomorrow. We all have blips but I believe it's what u do after that counts! If you look over the last few days u still will have consumed less calories than u would have if u weren't dieting!

Well I've just had my 9th wi and lost 4 this week (well 9 days). Not having another wi for another 11 days as I just can't afford it next week so fingers crossed I won't completly fall off the wagon!!
I had a bit of a crisis yesterday. Every year the children in the top class at our primary school lay on a strawberry cream tea for all the people (non-staff) who have helped at the school over the course of the year. I was determined to just drink tea, but once I was there I just couldn't say no as the children were so proud of all their hard work in preparing the food and it was one to one service. I managed to get away with having just the one scone, and fortunately they were quite small, but I felt really bad afterwards, knowing that it would take me out of ketosis. It didn't help last night at weigh in to find I have stayed the same this week (TOTM).

I'm back on track today pack-wise, but I haven't had nearly enough water. I'm really not in the mood to start guzzling it down right now either.

C x
Hey, I wouldn't worry too much just put it behind u and move on. Obviously it's better not to have these blips but we are all human and have lives to don't beat yourself up about it. Well done for getting back on track today that's what matters. I'm completly rubbish with my water too really need to get back in the habit but just can't. x
Ok thanks guys just off to bed now hoping to get a good nights sleep and having the oomph and energy to be 100 % tomorrow!!

Ok team challenge is to drink 3 litres of water tomorrow that's everybody!!!!!

Ooh considering I've been stuffing my face don't I sound bossy!!!!'

............, mcdonalds???..... What mcdonalds......, me??? I have no idea what you are talking about!!!
lol 3ltrs easy i'm at work so when i'm bored which is often i drink. i usually get though 4 ltrs at work. i only just get 2.5 in when i'm at home