Thank you ,Thank you.


Hi all,

Just wanted to say thanks to all the positive and supportive responses to my last post ( disappointed at 4lb weight loss)I am over my self wallowing and feel really motivated that thanks to all your support and understanding

THANK YOU!!!!!!:)
LOL! Thats what we're here for! I regularly get a virtual kick up the ass!
Or a big hug if that's what you need xxxxx
Eh - it happens to us all at some point, but the main thing is you have somewhere to air how you feel and get the support you need and the "kick up the behind" if you need it.

You are doing brilliantly and I am pleased that you are back on an even keel now.

Have a good week; remaining positive :D
Well, I'm sure I couldn't have done it without this forum. Best of luck on the rest of your LT journey, hun!!!