The Christmas List Game!!! COME AND JOIN!!!!

ooooooooooh i looooooooove christmas!!!!!
This year I have all of Alex's stuff in already. It will be his first christmas so we're v excited.
I absolutely LOVE putting up my Christmas tree with the Chrissy song on and a glass of wine. Last year though I was 8 months pregnant come November, had every illness going and to cheer myself up and releive my boredom i put my tree up on the 11th of november!! No glass of wine but hours of fun!! Im sure my new neighbours thought i was mental but i had a ball to myself!!

I love the run up to christmas with the frosty mornings. I love the lights being put up on th lamp posts and the feeling it gives u. Like a warm feeling. I love going last minute shopping on Christmas eve with the songs and the lights and the mad people----im one of them--- and then me and my brother go to the outside ice skating on george square with the most amazing christmas lights above us!

I love getting up in morning to open pressies!! Last year I made OH get up at half 4 in morning coz i was so excited i couldn't sleep!
I love visiting the family and getting all dressed up, face on, new outfit to go and see them,then i love getting back in the house and locking the door and getting in2 my new jim jams, opening the bar and starting the dinner with the chrissy songs up! My OH is a chef so he makes most of it and i help with the stuffing and starters!!
I love setting the table and lighting the candles and pulling our crackers and looking stupid with our party hats on!
Then i love cosying down playing stupid board games and watching trashy telly!!!!!!!!!!

lisa i knwo how you feel about being excited opening prezzies, hubby and i open ours at midnight xmas eve, as we then can make the day about our boy who is now 13 lol but still loves xmas,
I absolutely love Xmas.
I think the best bits are like someone else said - the smell of the turkey cooking when you are all still slobbing around in your PJ's.
Watching people open presents that you have spent lots of time and effort choosing and hiding from them. Bucks fizz. My sisters children opening presents so fast that they barely acknowledge what they have until much later in the day when they look at them properly!
So many things I love about Xmas.
But it does make me miss my Dad (died in 2004) who was the biggest kid EVER at Xmas and used to run around with his apron on (he always cooked dinner) and the tea cosy on his head, giddy as a school child and half cut on brenady listening to carols in the kitchen. He always made Xmas special and it is hard that he is not around - but I try to make sure the silliness continues anyway.
All teary and nostalgic now. He was a very special man.
I hope I make as good a parent one day - some people are just way too serious, there is a lot to be said for good old fashioned silliness and fun.
miss you pops.
I love putting up my Christmas decorations, I always have to put them up for the 4th Dec (Steve's Birthday) and I always put on the cheesy Christmas song CD whilst I do it, nothing better than putting up your decs to 'Merry Christmas Everyone' by Slade. !!
My dream christmas would be to go to a log cabin and snow on the floor and have the butler cooke and ask more drinks me lady , the butler would have to be someone very dishy , and for me and oh and kids to have a jet ski each and snowball fights after and come in with the log firer on and watch old movies all about christmas :))) is it time to wake up yet lol
Lucy , hey the father christmas you have there , he can be my butler , very nice , but as the kids are around the straw will have to stay lol
The FOOD( sorry thats all i can think about now a days:cry:)

I also love the smell of christmas. its strange but the smell of the air outside changes a few weeks befor xmas and makes me get excited and i know xmas is nearly here.
I love watching miracle on 34th street, snuggled up on the sofa with my hubby (not that he likes it, just thinks the snuggling will lead to something!!).. and also I am looking forward to seeing my 20 month old opening his presents on christmas morning.. I also can't wait to dress up this christmas, as hopefully I will weigh less than any other christmas before (apart from when I was a child!!)

Has anyone seen chocolate for chocaholics website, they do some lovely bits, sorry I know it choc. Have just ordered my table bits, no frozen meals for me after all. This thread has put me right in the xmas mood lol
I will be moved and organised for xmas day woohoo
Has anyone seen chocolate for chocaholics website, they do some lovely bits, sorry I know it choc. Have just ordered my table bits, no frozen meals for me after all. This thread has put me right in the xmas mood lol
I will be moved and organised for xmas day woohoo

Can't say I trust myself on a website for chocoholics!!! It's my food additction that has lead me to this website!!!!

but will take a look later!!!

Boss just given me two bottles of moet and chandon so hoping they will last till xmas and then can have a really posh christmas me thinks!!

We need to request some christmas smilies i think! The only one I can find is this :chores016: and that's only because the dog looks a bit like rudolph!!! lol
Christmas Eve, I wrap DS up in a blanket and dressing gown after his bath and carry him outside to see if we can spot Father Christmas in the sky - mummy normally see him flash across the sky...!!!

I love getting the wrapped presents down from the loft on Christmas Eve and putting them around the tree... I then go and check DS and watch him sleeping and with thoughts of his face in the morning, the excitement starts bubbling up in my stomach.

I love all the hostess bit on Christmas Day - cooking, sorting drinks, laying the dinner table but I think Christmas Eve is my favourite bit - the anticipation and thought of it all to come. I also love the fact that Christmas Eve supper is smoked salmon and the trimmings and bottle of Bucks Fizz or Champagne...

Thinking about it, maybe that's where the bubbles come from...!! :D
I love the fact that we all get warm bubbly feelings around Christmas..... wish it could last all year.... especially the guiltless drinking champagne and eating!!!!

I have just been to sainsburys and could not resist the candles smelling of Chritmas spice!!! Makes me feel all warm inside!!!!!

Need to keep thinking of us all being sexy and slender Xmas day!!! What outfits are you all going to buy???
Ooooo great thread!!

I love love love xmas and all the leading up to it.... My favourite day is Xmas eve, especially the evening time. My two nephews get so excited and are like little cans of pop ready to explode!! Around 7pm we start to look out of the window for Santa, to see if we can see the lights of his sleigh, rudolph's nose or indeed hear the sleigh bells. We ALWAYS can!!

Anyway one of the adults will sneak upstairs whilst everyone is watching out of the window and throw 2 wrapped pressies out of the bedroom window. Kian and Reegan obviously think it's from santa's sleigh up above and we tell them that its for being such good boys. The presents are always pyjamas which they want to change into immediately and they go to bed a treat after that as that's what santa would want lol lol. Sooooo cute!!!!!!

The only drawback is that the adults always argue about who goes upstairs as none of us want to miss the kids faces when the pressies drop! lol
Ah Karen, thats what its all about.. I have a Kian too, Get lots of comments on his name..
Its all about watching the little ones ( and not so little ones) faces and getting all excited about the sleigh bells and santa coming.
Did anyone see that film think its Polar express, love to hear sleigh bells now..

(ps my removals are coming a 6 days before xmas now, so will be having everyone as usual yippee)
Karen I love it!!! What an amazing and fulfilling idea! God I wish my parents had thought of that! I bet the whole evening feels like "a night before christmas!"

Does anyone know where I can get a round tablecloth from? I want a red on for Xmas and e-bay has let me down!!! BIG TIME! they only have plastic ones!

ooh! I am loving this thread!! I am real Christmas-aholic!!

This year, for the very first time, I have made jars & jars of homemade pickles, also loads of pickled eggs!! (I love them & my late Mum used to make them for me; now its my turn!) I made my cake about 4 weeks ago, from a recipe in the Good Food magazine. It is a bit different as it soaked in Ginger wine, with fresh root and groud ginger as the main spices....mmmmmm!! I am going to try my hand at making my own marzipan this year too. (recipe also in same mag!)

I love every single thing about Christmas. I think I am worse than my children!! I love all the plannig in advance, the shopping that I am allowed to do- guilt free, and the decorations!! We are in the throes of a loft conversion & had to empty it recently..... We now have loads (& I mean LOADS) of big storage boxes in our cellar, all with the decs etc in them!! ) Every year I seem to buy a few more bits and bobs..... Yesterday it was a gorgeous hand painted snowman plate, for the mince pies etc, from TK Maxx!!!

Singing round the Christmas tree at a local carol service every year, with mulled wine fragrancing the air, visiting the church near my Dads house to see all the trees that local Charities have sponsored and decorated....oooh gives me a shiver just thinknig about it!!

Best of all, although I have my own kids to enjoy it all with, I work as a TA, and in school the forthcoming half term will be fab. Making lots of Xmas goodies, learning songs and of course the school plays (each year group does a different one). I work in year one , so they are still little enough to be VERY excited about the big event!!

I could on & on ( & probably have), Thanks for this thread, its made me all warm and fuzzy on a cold, grey Ocotber day!!