hey hunni
even tho ive only been on for 6 weeks I found that when i did eat I got full up straight away. I had one small piece of chicken and some scrambled eggs.... and i thought my stomach would pop.
your taste buds definitely get reconditioned and you will find that you dont like the taste of so many things.. especially unhealthy things. when i did LT over the summer and then went back to eating, I could not stomach anything fried and ate very small portions but still felt stuffed. my body definitely rejected oily food, it made me feel physically sick and also gave me a bad stomach.
also after being on a diet like this I think you just naturally start thinking of healthier options coz u know how hard LT has been and you wouldnt wanna go through it again. You will also get a better taste for food as well. Its amazing the amount of junk we eat on a regular basis and i really do think LT knocks that out of your system.
most importantly the key is not to go back to the way you were eating... its a good idea to stay away from those foods from the beginning or at least eat them in moderation otherwise you will get a taste for the bad stuff again. hope that makes sense...
the good thing is that you and your sister can support eachother and you'll be watching what the other eats !