The New Cinderellas

Hi guys, well I had a good weekend, I don't feel like I'm missing out at all at the moment - still early days I guess! It was my birthday on Friday but I was in college all weekend so I wouldn't have been getting up to much anyway so I don't feel like I missed out too much. I weighed myself this morning for the first time since my weigh-in last week and I've lost 9lbs, officially weigh in tomorrow but I just wanted a rough number. I know I should be trilled but I'm not, I'm disappointed to be honest, last time I did CD I lost 16lbs my first week and I was expecting about 14lbs this time. I know 9lbs is still a great number but I'm just a bit peeved if you get me. Sorry for the moaning :(
Hi guys, well I had a good weekend, I don't feel like I'm missing out at all at the moment - still early days I guess! It was my birthday on Friday but I was in college all weekend so I wouldn't have been getting up to much anyway so I don't feel like I missed out too much. I weighed myself this morning for the first time since my weigh-in last week and I've lost 9lbs, officially weigh in tomorrow but I just wanted a rough number. I know I should be trilled but I'm not, I'm disappointed to be honest, last time I did CD I lost 16lbs my first week and I was expecting about 14lbs this time. I know 9lbs is still a great number but I'm just a bit peeved if you get me. Sorry for the moaning :(

Happy birthday in arrears and glad you are sailing through the weekends...some birthdays are quieter than others:jelous:
Had a ***** day ladies so I'm just popping in to say hi and bye. Maybe tomorrow I'll be in better form. For now, I just want to try primal scream therapy but directed at a colleague!

Chats tomorrow!
Along day expected today, some things on my mind bugging me, but . I'll be writting through them, not eating over them.

My hols are coming up in 3 weeks and I found myself looking at sites with how much weight can one lose in 21 days..the range seems to be between 6-28lbs... the high end is VLCD with daily areobic and anerobic exercise and the low end , eating sensible between 1000-1500 cal daily, with or without moderate exercise.
Thoughts..coming up to the hols and the cold are all good enough reasons to bow out, but how many times has this been done before? I am thinking, its not the hols or the cold but the stress of all those things one would normally eat over coming to the fore, so it becomes a relief to break free from the focus and restriction of weight loss for a while..also there is the feeling that maybe something magical will happen at the point of the new years resolution , which maybe it will.

anyhow did my calculation of my gym membership and I don't use it nearly I really care if folk look at me


do I have to care


added rosewater flavouring to vanilla CD, had it hot, I think it would have tasted much better cold.

Also been thinking, I am going to continue as best I can regardless.
Well done, bella on not caring about people at hte gym. You're there with a purpose and feck them!

I've been MIA for a few days with a very very stressful time at work. More details of it in my diary if you're interested (or even if you're not)! :)

I had a major binge, just mindless putting things into my mouth one after the other without tasting them. Then, I thought it would be a good idea to purge and get sick. Bad idea! :(

Anyway, been back on board for all day today and the stress w/ the work thing means I had to force my shakes down me and the anxiety means I'm wired, I'd be worried my BP is very high, too.

Hi Gm, written to you on your diary, its never easy when things do not go as smooth as one would like.I think whats make a difference is just brushing ourselves off and getting on with the next thing as best one can'cos the only alternative is to give up..but I refuse to give up on myself 'cos I know better. Take it all in your stride and you'll be fine.

I also assume that unless i do not hear from folks for weeks they might just be going through a rough patch but will pop back in soon because as that poem said, its not a race and lost of twists and turns..if you can , even if you are going through a rough time, it might help to just continue posting if you can?

Hi other cinderellas out there hope you are also doing the best you can. I woke really late for me 8am and I already feel the day is off to an iffy start. But I do n't need to get into a dance with iffy thoughts.

last night in a talk the notion of a personal mythology came up. I think for now mine is cinderella..its been ages since I read it though.

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Morning ladies :)
I've had a blip but I'm back! I caved in yesterday and ate and now I feel rubbish and HUNGRY! So I'm very annoyed at myself and have made things harder for myself. But I'm not gonna let a bad day turn into a bad week! And with 4 weeks left until Christmas I still want another stone off so today is the first day of the rest of my life :) wooohoooo
Keep going ladies we can do this!! Xx
Thanks so much, bella for the encouragment. It's not been an easy few days, all right, but hopefully it'll all end tomorrow at the staff meeting.

I'm glad I hopped back on the programme and am now down to 81.1kg. I had really hoped to get under the 80kg threshhold this week but I'm not sure if the binge made a difference to that or not!

well done, Leav for having the guts to come back and start over!
Morning ladies :)
I've had a blip but I'm back! I caved in yesterday and ate and now I feel rubbish and HUNGRY! So I'm very annoyed at myself and have made things harder for myself. But I'm not gonna let a bad day turn into a bad week! And with 4 weeks left until Christmas I still want another stone off so today is the first day of the rest of my life :) wooohoooo
Keep going ladies we can do this!! Xx

Hi Lea, do not worry about the blips honestly and /or being away, the cinderellas are gonna be keeping on regardless of mistakes and strange cravings along the way ( mine all week were cheesey wotsits ,like what am I , 5 years old and feeling deprived?).

Goal =138lbs

now ladies , cos I am smart I know there is nothing magical about 138, I am not going to be better or worse for being 138 and that woman is not superior to the woman I am now except in one major way, her degree of courage

not sure how others feel, but I find for me, having a clear goal is very important and having clarity about what it will take, even if I can't give it all that yet is also important.

But the main thing it will take is courage because the journey to 138 is not about little scoops of powdered milk and what i nibble or don't nibble. At heart for me, its abou having the courage, to deal with stuff and getting to the gym

Inspirational woman of the day Maya Angelou


We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

Maya Angelou.

G'day Cinderellas

Hi Chelle, do lets know how the new oatmeal tastes, I had the oat meal once, but kept going back for seconds and making my portions bigger than recommended.

Hi Lea, hope things are going steady and well.

Galaway Mum , how are thing hope you are just being a busy busy mun and keeping on with stuff and keeping an eye on stuff...I swear the holiday craziness begins earlier and earlier each year

Thinking of switching to 810 for 10 days because I want a big glass of green juice in the morning celery, fennel and brocolli, it should not affect weight loss but it will affect ketosis ..I just feel gunky within and I want a flush out without the ducolox. I have not decided for a fact to do it but if I do I'll let you know how I am feeling and for sure how I am sleeping because that is the big thing.Also mood wise how I am getting through the day.

Hi Galaway mum, I clicked on the link on your tagline and I feel the article is a great one, I am posting it here so I can read it a bit at a time over the week.

Living in the Moment

What does it mean to "live in the moment"? Your willpower is held accountable for acting with or against your feelings, at the moment the decision is made. This is the critical concept of the "moment".
There is a tendency for the "will" to adopt a life strategy that is independent of the variations that occur in feelings from one time to another. If feelings did not change much, or only changed very slowly, then the "moment" would not matter, and instead of "living in the moment", we could just "live". But, for any number of reasons, feelings do change from moment to moment. For some people they change more than for others, and perhaps it is this group of people who have more reason to take the kind of advice being given here.
A simple example of a feeling that changes is hunger. We feel hungry before we eat. After we have eaten, we might not feel hungry at all. A decision to diet may be based on feelings about the consequences of being too fat, and these feelings may be relatively constant. But the constant feelings in favour of the diet are in conflict with the varying feelings of hunger, which leads to the on-again off-again nature of the diet.
The primary error, of not living in the moment, is to act as if your willpower is held accountable for feelings at some moment other than the moment that a decision is being made. If might seem reasonable to account for future feelings, especially as many of our feelings are themselves feelings about expectations of the future, but this is not how the system works.
How the system does work is that you are expected to make decisions now about the future, in the context of the feelings that you have now about the future, not in the context of the feelings that you might expect to have when that future comes.
Example: The Diet

So how does this apply to a diet?

  • At some time you have feelings about the desirability of losing weight, and you make a decision to go on a diet. Unfortunately a diet is something that by definition goes on for an extended period of time – it is not a single decision, but rather a series of decisions. But you cannot make future decisions in the present. So it can make sense to decide to be on a diet in the present moment, and it can make sense to think about the consequences of dieting or not dieting in the future, but a mistake is made when you assume that your present decision is also a future decision (or a series of future decisions). Your future decisions cannot be made now, because they must be made in the context of your future feelings, and your future feelings have not happened yet.
  • At some later time, an opportunity to eat arises. Your feeling of being hungry is now stronger than your desire to diet. Your willpower may persist with its plan, but this decision must be remade each time the situation occurs, and each time the decision is made against the feelings of hunger, your willpower is "punished" for making that decision.
  • Eventually, in the face of this punishment, your willpower must relent, and the food gets eaten. At this point, you may make a further mistake, which is to try and suppress your feelings about wanting to diet and not wanting to be overweight. Too often we want our life plan to be either one thing or the other. Either you are dieting to lose weight, or, you are eating because you enjoy your food. If you continued to have feelings about the badness of being overweight while you were eating your food, that would "spoil" your enjoyment. But feelings are there for a reason, and they cannot be wished away. If they could be wished away, then willpower would be "in charge", and as we have already seen, this would undermine the crucial role that feelings play in holding willpower accountable for the success of biological goals.
  • After you have eaten, (and probably eaten too much) you no longer feel hungry, but now you feel bad about having broken your diet, your "failure" to do what you "wanted" to do. So what should you be feeling? It does make sense at this point to feel bad about the consequences of your over-eating on your weight. But feeling bad about the failure of your willpower serves no useful purpose. Any plan that requires persistent willpower is going to fail, and feeling bad about that is as pointless as feeling bad about the rising and setting of the sun. It is pointless because it is based on an invalid assumption about feelings and willpower: that somehow willpower can be held accountable for decisions made at one moment by feelings that are felt at a different moment. As I have already stated, it just doesn't work this way.
So what is the correct "living in the moment" approach? The correct approach is to have feelings about the desirability of not being overweight, and to have feelings of hunger when you are hungry, and to only ever expect to make decisions in the context of the feelings you have at the times those decisions are being made. So:

  • At some point in time, you think about the negative consequences of being overweight, and you have feelings about those consequences. You think about the relationship between your eating behaviour and your weight, but you do not expect to be able to control your future behaviour.
  • When food becomes available, the feeling of hunger may exceed your feelings of concern about your weight. If this happens, then eat. But do not suppress your feelings about your weight. If those concerns reduce your enjoyment of the food, then so be it.
  • As you eat, you feelings of hunger will naturally reduce. At some point your weight concerns will once again exceed your hunger, and at this point you can stop eating, without any application of willpower.
  • Even though your concerns about weight reduced your enjoyment of the food, and perhaps reduced how much you ate, quite possibly you still ate too much. This will make you feel bad about the effect of that over-eating on your weight. Allow yourself to feel this bad feeling. Do not try to suppress it. Also do not try to exaggerate it, in the hope that doing so can "control" your future eating behaviour.
  • There is of course more to weight loss that just eating less. Even if your feelings about not wanting to be overweight do not prevent over-eating, they may be sufficient sometimes to help you choose to eat food that is less bad for you, or to choose to do a little exercise (but don't fall into the trap of "deciding" on a long-term exercise plan involving a long-term gym membership or an expensive mail-order exercise machine).
If we could somehow "even out" our feelings, then they would become more constant, and we could avoid the requirement to live in the moment, and our life strategies would become simpler. But our feelings cannot be forcibly evened out, because they are what they are when they are. If you are on an attempted diet, it might seem more "rational" to feel bad about over-eating before you do it, but the cruel torture of the diet is that most of the bad feelings come after the eating, when it is apparently too late.
There is, however, always a next time. You can't decide now to keep to your diet next time, but if your allow yourself to feel badly about over-eating on one occasion, these bad feelings will persist, and they will reduce your enthusiasm for eating too much in the future. It may be that the diet "yo-yo" cannot be completely suppressed, but if you allow yourself to feel your feelings at all times, then those feelings will persist enough that the yo-yo will flatten itself a little. Exactly how much will flatten itself? Probably enough to achieve a somewhat stable equilibrium – knowing that at each moment you are making a decision consistent with the feelings that you have at that moment. You may or may not lose weight, but your weight concerns will probably have some effect on your eating habits, and, what is important, you will not be constantly bouncing back and forth between "beating yourself up" about not being on a diet when you think you should be and "indulging" yourself by breaking a diet that you are supposedly on.

Sunday 28 November 2010,

Honestly it is so cold I even woke from a dream about a huge gas-bill.Not sure where everybody but I hope all you new cinderellas are fine or just taking a shortish break , meanwhile I'll continue to post anything interesting I find about health and dealing with issues and not eating over feelings , but actually dealing with the situations. So I'll be looking around the web for articles and resources :)

Kindness heals

People often ask me what they can do to fix their “weight problem.” .... But here’s the thing: We can’t fix or get rid of a part of ourselves. The relationship with food, no matter how conflicted or painful, is a way that we are expressing a part of ourselves. ...If we want to change what we are doing with food, we must first understand it, turn towards it, treat it with curiosity and tenderness. Isn’t it amazing that we keep eating past full? Isn’t if curious that although we make ourselves extremely uncomfortable, we keep doing the same thing again and again?

Geneen Roth
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Sorry, I've been MIA...just catching up I said, it's been a very hellish week work-wise and facing into another one tomorrow is making me feel anxious and it's only 9.30am on Sunday morning!

I have to learn to do what's right for me and damn the begrudgers. Not everyone is going to like me or agree with me and that's just what happens when you live by the courage of your convictions.

Hope you're all staying on your own path and not letting 'life' make you veer off on a cul-de-sac!
Morning GM, good to see you, those who get to the finish line are those who keep on going..I hope even if this week is hellish you have what it takes to get through it with flying colours . Its london monday morning and its freezzzzzing, I can't belive I slept as long as I did ..its 7.30 am already!
Morning everyone!! :) Middlesbrough is crazy I'm so glad I don't have to work today....duvet n CD porridge it is for me!!
I have a question about exercise. I've been Reading loads of posts that say exercise on SS can slow down weight loss. Does anyone know anything about this? (any excuse not to exercise haha)
Hope everyone has a good day!! I'm supposed to be gettin weighed Thursday, luckily I have enough shakes to last longer cos this snow is crazy and my CDC lives down a tiny little road! Aaargh :)
Have a good day everyone xx
Morning everyone!! :) Middlesbrough is crazy I'm so glad I don't have to work today....duvet n CD porridge it is for me!!
I have a question about exercise. I've been Reading loads of posts that say exercise on SS can slow down weight loss. Does anyone know anything about this? (any excuse not to exercise haha)
Hope everyone has a good day!! I'm supposed to be gettin weighed Thursday, luckily I have enough shakes to last longer cos this snow is crazy and my CDC lives down a tiny little road! Aaargh :)
Have a good day everyone xx

Nah, its a myth, like the one a women say I don't want to exercise because I'll only put on muscle which is heavier than fat. Like its that easy to put on muscle in the first place.and a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat, its just does not take up as much room.

the only thing about exercise, if intense or regular is that it can trigger more hunger or a need for extra nutrients..more likely thatthe h unger pangs are the bodies need for more nutrients that a regular dose of Cd can provide. Certainly to exercise regularly best suppliment CD with a some greens on add a meal cycles.
Quick in and out, I have been up all night doing stuff, and thinking about my body, I have full lenghth mirrors in my appartment and , well I can see it all. Still, its only fat, its not bolted on. Keep on keeping on.

Thank god it's the 1st December tomorrow!! I've yet again been crap on my diet and I'm on of those ppl who always starts things on a Monday....or the first of the month, know what I psychologically have been waitin for the first of the month. Stupid I know but it feels more official. Got my weigh in Monday (was sposed to be Thursday but postponed cos of all the snow) lucky for me I have extra shakes. So I'm hopin I got time to get myself back in ketosis before then to make the scales a bit more forgiving.
People are saying to me it's pointless trying to diet over Xmas, but I know that if I don't have at least half the month even on shakes with the parties in between, then I can easily put on a stone over the festivities! So even staying the same over the next month would be great!!
Here's hoping!
Keep going everyone :) xxx