Things that amazed me this

Most amazing thing for me today....not having a break at work (started at 1pm) and still standing by the time I finished at 10pm :eek:, now I have to neck 2 shakes before bed!
Bloody 'ell! 2 shakes before bed! Good luck hun :) Well done for doing all that work without a break though! Mind you, is that even legal?
Are you a nurse Remy? I know my sis-in-law (who is a sister at our local hospital) usually goes through her whole shift without a break and rarely leaves on time, often staying 2+ hours after she should have finished. It plays merry hell with her diet!

Nope, not legal! I'm a midwife working in the pit of hell. On the plus side I'm so busy I don't have time to realise I'm starving! Frequently stay over my shifts and it's buggering up this diet! Living on black tea and coffee made by heaven sent support workers!
That's shocking Remy. My sis-in-law is always moaning about lack of funding and staff but knows it will never change! It's a shame coz you all do such a great job and deserve to be appreciated.

Thanks for that Cuddle Fairy, nice to know we're appreciated by some people. In fairness most patients are very kind...which is why I put on weight-too many roses chocs and no real breaktimes = fat midwives!
I had wonderful midwives with both my girls. The one with my son was a little detacted but then he was so quick there was no time to work up a relationship with her. You do a great job.

The worst thing about my job is not being able to build up a good relationship with new mums and dads, especially when you have 3 women to look after it feels like a conveyor belt with no personal touch, not really what I signed up for.... quite sad to be honest. I always tell people who want to complain aboutlack of attention to do so, and copy the letter to our local MP too!