Hi Shazzla, this is a great site for support, I find I have to check in every day though, or I loose my focus too quickly! You are doing well, it must be really motivating to start to feel the difference. Re: the takeaway (mmmm.... thinks I haven't had a takeaway for ages :)) boiled rice and chicken free on red or EE, but I think the curry sauce is loaded with syns because it is made with a lot of oil; but I would think it was worth it for an occasional treat! Enjoy whatever you get!
Chris x
Well, here we are at the end of week two - and I am HAPPY to have maintained! I know, while I have been doing this I have probably only been 50% on plan while I have been feeling my way around; therefore when I do give 100% (AS OF NOW) I know I will be rewarded by the evaporation of the unwanted bits of me. That statement leads me to ponder on where those bits of me will go, indeed where do all the lost bits of everybody go, because of all the weight loss in all the world there must be a fair amount of lost fat in a storage depot somewhere :confused: . Wherever it is it must not be far away because I have been helping myself to portions for the past umpteen years!
Anyhow, I digress; todays' food:
Extra-easy day. I will break my fast with egg, tomato and toast (HEXB).

Dinner will be chicken, potato carrots and broccoli, a tiny syn of a splash of gravy. Banana and plain yoghurt.

I am babysitting my grandchildren tonight, so playing with them will be body magic as I puff and pant galloping around floor! Nibbles are cheese triangles (HEXA), apple and celery. Syns of 6 for a pack of crisps when the babies are in bed!

Catch up with you all later next week :wavey: x
I'm sure you will be too busy to check in, but, I did want to wish you and your hubby "Good Luck" for this forthcoming week. Hoping Mr B's operation goes smoothly (and successfully!) and you are able to give him the support he needs while still supporting yourself on your SW journey.

Well done on maintaining your weight! :clap: All the while those numbers are not going *up* on the scales, you are being successful :)
Yay Boarding, Maintaining is always good! Anything that's not a gain is a plus I think :D
Just popped in to say, I hope life is being gentle with you and Mr B.

:vibes: Still sending health vibes your way :vibes:
Hellooo, thank you for you kind thoughts and good vibes Mrs SOS, my hubby is doing well; home and in charge of the remote control and sofa ha-ha! I am teetering on the need of some R&R myself now. I have managed another maintain - I thought waltzing up and down long hospital corridors would be good body magic! However, life is going to regain some normalcy now I will catch up on everyones' news and then sit and have a food planning session.
Best wishes, Christine :)
Monday; a clean sheet and a switch gone on in my head, I can make this happen! I have had time to make tasty free-food to last a few days, possibly a bit stodgy, but it's freeee! A quorn bolognaise, the easy cheesy 'pie' and 'cheese scones' from a previous thread. Now I don't need to think of food shopping.
Today I have eaten an egg on toast for brekkies and the same for lunch, that's HEXB taken care of. Tonight I have had 3 WW sausages - 1.5 syn, and S/W chips. I know that is sadly lacking in veggies, but my tummy has been tender... too many healthy veg seem to upset me!!!! I have drank plenty and I feel quite satisfied :)
Tuesday, quite a good SW day; breakfast of egg tomato and HEXB bread, lunch was the cheese 'pie' I made yesterday and one of the 'scones' with a 1.5 syn cheese triangle. I had a busy day helping out with grandchildren, and when hubby had a fancy for tea from the chip-shop I conveniently forgot the quorn bolognaise I had made, and had a fish - I took off most of the batter though, and rather than a portion of chips myself I just pinched some off himself's plate. I think that was quite good personally; I still am undoing some terrible eating habits which is going to do me good in the long run, and I am in this for the long run because previously I would have lost interest by now and here I am, no lighter, granted, but I feel I am making progress :)
Wednesday - a synful day! Egg tomato and HEXB toast to start.
Half a toasted teacake with butter and later a slice of quiche with salad while out with friends - that's my syns for the week I guess!
Tonight a good 'n healthy quorn bolognaise with some pasta, and a HEXA of cheese.
The good thing is I don't feel I've messed up and need to overeat for a week in penance! :eek:
I hope everyone else is having a good day x
I'm back to work tonight, so I will be packing plenty of free snacks. Its a green day, so I had egg tomato and HEXB toast for breakfast. Pasta with a HEXA cheese for lunch. Jacket potato and beans for tea. To work I'll take the faithful mug shot, boiled eggs, fruit more HEXA cheese and some ham as the other HEXB. Sorted! I hope that there is nothing to tempt me in the ward fridge!
Ok, there was temptation on the ward, and I succumbed - too much bread, bleugh!:(. However, today is a new day and a clean page. I have only managed 3 hours sleep - this is where the problems arise I get soooo tired, food becomes a cosy pillow to nestle against - or something like that, it is not eating for hunger it is eating for comfort and energy plain and simple but I go for the wrong carby-stuff for the quick boost it gives even though I KNOW I need sustained carbs not white ones. Anyhow, today is RED, I have had egg tomato and HEXB toast when I came in from work and I got up to a sandwich HEXB # 2 packed with lean bacon. Yummy, but now I must go until tomorrow morning on proper quality food - lean meats, veggies fruit... and I don't feel like that.... I'll drag myself into the kitchen and make a warming chicken and veg type casserole with lots of mashed swede and carrot stuff, that I can eat to my hearts' content. that should satisfy the comfort imp! It is funny feeling that because I have had bread twice already today, I feel as if I have 'blown a diet' yet again; yet setting it down has helped me see I am still on track actually. :) brilliant, motivation to do well is re-emerging!!!
Don't believe it, my heads in gear at last and I am onto my third day of being sensible! It may not seem like much, but to me it's amazing, the little nagging 'eatme' demons have settled into place and I am happily eating S/W way. Happy happy me :D x