This time it's for keeps


Full Member
Ok, so I thought I'd start my own diary/blog type thing to help me with what is probably one of the biggest challenges I've faced in my life.

For most of my adult life I have been on a diet, striving to get to my perfect weight/size. I was there on a few occasions briefly and I have spent a long, long time trying to get back there. At my biggest I’ve been about 12.5 stone. At my smallest, I got to around 9.5 with WW. Last year I got to 10.5 stone and a size 12 but I still wanted to get back to where I’d been before. Between moving house at the end of last year and Christmas, my weight crept up , but I’m back down to 10.5 thanks to SW and a brief flirtation with the old WW points for a couple of weeks.

There have been a lot of things going over the last few months which have really made me think a lot about my life and what I’ve been trying to achieve. I feel like I’ve spent the last few years of my life trying to be the person I feel I should be rather than the person I really want to be. And that includes my weight. I’ve spent so long trying to get back to where I was without actually stopping to think if that’s where I want to be anymore. Over the last few weeks I’ve come to realise that actually I’m quite happy where I am. I’m not as thin as I once was. My old clothes don’t fit me, but they haven’t done for five years. What does it matter? I’m fairly happy with how I look right now.

All I want and need to do now is maintain it, which is something I’ve never been able to do. I have either been ‘on a diet’ or ‘off a diet’. I have no idea how to eat healthy or how to eat in a way to maintain my weight. As soon as I got to a point where I was happy with my weight, I went straight back to my old eating habits and it all went back on. :rolleyes:

So I am now following the SW plan with one aim in mind, to teach myself how to eat in a healthy way that I can maintain for life. So many people say SW is a change of lifestyle, rather than a diet. It is so true and this is how I am now viewing it. I’m not hugely interested in how my weight changes whilst following the plan. If I lose anything, it’s an added bonus. But much more than that I want to let my body get to a point where it’s happy to find a natural weight through eating properly and looking after myself.

Sorry for the long ramble, I have the feeling most of this diary will end up like this. Thanks for making it this far, and I hope you enjoy reading this, although it is more for myself to record my journey.
What a lovely post Caroline :0)

I'm exactly where you are now, happy with my body and loving the food I'm eating at SW! I would love to get down to 9st 10lb again, the lightest I've been in adult life, but if it doesn't happen like you I'm happy where I am now!

I look forward to following your journey! Where abouts in North Wales are you? We always got there for our caravan holidays xx
Well done Caroline,

Congrats on getting to a weight that you feel comfortable with. I think (having never done it) that your journey is just beginning so a huge GOOD LUCK and we'll be watching.

Gail x
great post...good luck xxxx
Thanks very much everyone for the kind words. It's quite funny to think I'll be doing this with everyone out there watching! But I think it will be a good thing.
Rumbletummy, I live in Deeside (not far over the border), which probably isn't the sort of area you'd want to go on a caravan holiday :p although you may well have passed through!

So anyway, it has been a funny couple of days. It was over the weekend I decided I didn't want to lose anymore weight, but it didn't exactly get off to the best start with going out on the lash on Saturday night. I then felt rough as hell on Sunday and ended up when I could stomach anything, scoffing some pizza, popcorn and strawberry sponge pudding! TBH the weekend has made me realise that I don't really enjoy drinking as much as I used to and I certainly don't enjoy the hangovers! So I'm thinking of packing it in for a little while. It can only be a good thing in the long run.

Monday was decent enough food wise - eggs on WW bread for brekkie, cous cous salad for lunch and gammon, egg, mash and veggies for tea. I used my HEA on tea and my syns on a hot chocolate (4). Today has been decent as well - egg and bacon buttie (you will find I eat a hell of a lot of eggs!), chicken salad, FF yoghurt, Steak with noodles, sweet chilli sauce (2 syns) and veggies, along with a bananna and some grapes. I also used 10 syns on a bag of Boots shapers crisps and choccie bar.

I'm not sure how much I will go into what I eat on here. At the moment I'm not finding that side of it too difficult, although if I do find I'm struggling, I'll change my mind. At the moment I'm focusing more on the emotional side of it. It's hard after telling yourself for five years you need to lose weight to accept that actually I don't need to anymore! This morning on autopilot I jumped on the scales and before even thinking about it I was disappointed that they were higher than when I last weighed myself. I know its probably cos of the weekend, but I'm just miffed with myself I was thinking about it at all. I don't feel any different in myself, so what does it matter?! When my clothes get tight, then I will worry!

So, anyway, I could ramble on all night, but think I will leave it there before I bore everyone to tears!