Tillymax is trying again

Lily42uk said:
Morning Tilly
Oooh a short version of my day to help you catch up on the interesting stuff............

I made cake
I ate Cake
I made Cheesecake
I ate Cheesecake
I posted replies to posts on my diary
I bathed
I went to bed
I'm up
I have a friend coming to dinner that I only see 2-3 times a year

Hope you're day is as exciting hun :giggle:

Take care lovely :bighug: xxxxxxxxxx

Phew loved the breakdown Lily :giggle:
Happy Friday Lily x
I'm still trying to catch up with you all but it's taking forever :rolleyes:

You concentrate on YOU !!!!

Hope your Saturday has been a good one Tilly.

Thinking of you xxxxxx
Thanks Lily

I'm on my way to yours cos I've seen the menu for when your friend comes. It takes about 2 and half hours to get to Kings Cross so don't start without me ;)

You're welcome hun, I am surprised it only takes 2 and half hours to Kings Cross from Yorkshire cos it takes nearly and hour from there to my closest station and it's only about 10-12 miles away lol, or 10 minutes from Kings Cross if my brother drives :eek:

Food was fab last night even if I say so myself...and for only 3 syns, so worth it, so full :giggle:

Hope you're having a good Saturday lovely ...take care :hug99: xxxxxx
Morning Tilly..............massive hugs.......
Wow it's a lovely sunny day again. I've just done the gardening and it looks lovely - well apart from all the stuff behind the huts and the garage that I need hubbie to take to the tip.

I'm very lucky cos my garden is south facing so I can sit out and enjoy the sun. I've come inside for a bit cos my boss is coming to see me later this week and I didn't want to look all tanned and healthy when she arrived :rolleyes:

I've got doctors and dentist tomorrow - might as well get all the trauma over in one day.

I'm gonna have a quick catch up and then I'm off outside again :)
Hope the sun continues. Been so cheery looking out in the garden but got really cold tonight when I nipped to the shops.

Sounds like you had a good day Tilly. ;)
I've got a pounding headache. It's cos I got myself all worked up about going to the dentist. Now that it's all over I've got headache. I didn't used to get like this. It's blooming stupid. I need a filling so don't know what I'll be like when I go back for that cos I was in a right state just for a check up.

The doctors receptionist rang this moning to cancel my appointment cos the doctors ill :eek:
I think the doc looked at her patient list and saw my name on it and decided she couldn't cope with me moaning at her. Whoops - I've pushed the doc over the edge ;)
Hope your headache goes soon, headaches are horrible. I'm prone to them, especially when I get stressed, and they linger all day, it's awful.

I have to say, I'm jealous of all the sunshine you've been getting to be out in the garden in. Wish I had a garden to be out in too. Although it's been very grey here today so I don't mind as much :giggle:

Hope you have a nice evening :) x