Hi guys.. I'm on day 7 of ss+ and it feels harder than ever right now. My first 5 days were fine, no problems at all. I was worried something was wrong with me because it felt too easy!! But since then I have found it so hard and keep thinking about how on earth I'm going to complete the diet. Does anyone else feel like this around TOTM?
And today I cheated.. Kind of.. not only did I have my chicken allowance but also had two boiled eggs!!! That just makes me feel worse. Oh well at least it wasn't chocolate!
Speaking of which, the only Cambridge products I have been having are the chocolate tetra bricks. I loved them before but now the thought of them makes me nauseous.. And I've only had one today =S don't think I'll manage to have all three but I'm aiming for two.
Am I just completely messing this up for myself?!
Hi, i was finding it ok then day 12 i wanted to eat everything all i thought about was food for 3 days i didnt give in to the cravings but that just made my mood so bad i was even annoying myself i put it down to TOTM and im so hoping its not like that every month cos it was hell.
I think most women feel like that around TOTM whether they are dieting or not ;)
Me especially, plus the wanting to eat and not being able to makes me cranky lol

And your cheat wasn't too bad, you stuck to protein which will keep you in ketosis, its just a few extra calories but still nothing major to worry about x
Thanks guys, I think I'm past my horrible phase now, getting back into the routine.. Day 14 and still going strong! It helps to hear from other people when they see me that I have lost weight, that's what keeps me going the most I think!
But yes the crankiness I can definitely identify with.. And dreaming of food. But the food will still be there when we finish our diet and the fat will be gone!