Trying to get back on track


Starting again :-)
so im just finnished my 2 weeks holidays,i was in france and my weight went up 5 pounds then dropped but im finding it hard to stick to weightwatchers now eating my points all day then i break it. I have to start again i never want to be 16st again..any tips?
Think about why you eat more than you should. Is it a particular situation? Is it a particular trigger food that then makes you want to eat more than you should? Then remove that. If it is nibbling in front of the TV then try not to do that (I took up knitting and cross stitch to stop me doing that). If it is a particular food then tell yourself you can't have that. I struggle with cheese, crisps, and sugar products. So I don't eat them now. I'm not saying it is easy, but it helped me.

Also focus on WHY you want to lose weight.

Good luck :)
One really helpful hint I was given was get rid of all temptation I have 2 little girls so I know you can't not have crisps and choc in the cupboard but I find buyin things I'm not keen on works so skips instead of walkers crisps but buy yourself some rice crisps little changes like that will help you I found x x
i have stuff if i want treats,ww friendly treats but when im out for the day or even at home finding it hard to say no to myself. Trying really hard today ...any tips on snacks to eat? im on 37 points and find im snacking on bad food because i dont know what else to eat some days i feel like ive too many points
Allure_ said:
i have stuff if i want treats,ww friendly treats but when im out for the day or even at home finding it hard to say no to myself. Trying really hard today ...any tips on snacks to eat? im on 37 points and find im snacking on bad food because i dont know what else to eat some days i feel like ive too many points

I like to buy curly wurlys as they are low points. My advice is to plan plan plan. Don't buy it in of you think you might over indulge x