Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan - I Hope

Hi anyone who is reading this.
First time for me in a forum, i'm 24 and i started on The Cambridge Diet 5 weeks ago (well yesterday was my 5th weigh in so that makes it 5 weeks right?). Anyways my consultant recommended this site to me as a few of her other clients talk on here. I must say i am amazed with the weight loss but it's so hard, i've just started dating again and obviously there's no going out for meals, cinema consists of me with a bottle of water, going out for drinks is a no go as no alcohol is to be consumed.
Obviously my weight loss speaks for itself and i don't want it to stop but how do other people cope with the cravings and socialising, i mean i created a website where i could publicly blog about my weight loss and obviously i never want to put on there that i've put weight on and i've started my own blog on here which will hopefully help with support too. But what do you find works when you're invited out all of the time, or you're in a supermarket with family and you're wondering, how much damage would 1 crumpet do?
Any support would be amazing as this diet has kinda alienated myself from my life if that makes sense.


Start date: 26/07/12
Start weight: 17.2.2 stone
Mini goal:15 stone dead on or less by halloween
Main goal: 13 stone by Christmas, gives me a healthy BMI and any lower will be a bonus :)

Week 1: 17.2.2 stone
Week 2: 16.8.8 stone (7.4lbs lost)
Week 3: 16.4.2 stone (4.6lbs lost)
Week 4: 16.1.4 stone (2.8 lbs lost)
Week 5: 15.9.2 stone (6.2 lbs lost)