Warning: Food talk inside. Kitchen Supply shops for Jam/Jelly/Canning supplies?

I am in London, but will drive miles for good food! I also want to open my own little cafe and trust me hun you are never too old or too tired. This is all part of my master plan for moving to the country and getting the hell out of the rat race!! Find a job for 1 year to learn the area, the find me a premesis and then open my little venture. You could always supply me with jams and cupcakes to sell in there <G>

Btw found the most amazing things in the charity shop today!!! They have so much more good stuff in the smaller sizes - phase 8 black linen trousers £4 and warehouse dress trousers £5, a gorgeous black winter fabric pencil skirt £4 and an amethyst coloured jacked for £7!!! woohoo, also snuck in a little grey woolen short sleeve jumper from elsewhere, but it was only £6 so don't feel too guilty about it!!

Never feel guilty about shopping in Charity shops - you are helping others after all!! :D Sounds like a great haul!!

Your country cafe sounds like a wonderful venture!!! Can't wait to hear as that unfolds - I hope it goes just the way you want it to. Sounds like a brilliant move. :)

The other thing I am getting ready for, when I come off the packs is learning to cook proper chinese food, authentically as opposed to just throwing things ins a Wok.

I have been watching that cooking show with the young girl, I think her name is Ching? Anyway, she has shown some really healthy ways to do things, and I have always loved cooking in my work, but never had real ingredients.

I love Chinese takeaway, but she showed how much fat and oil is in them. HOW MUCH!!!!!?????? I was shocked!!! lol

So I placed an order through Wing Yip and got a lot of sauced, and cooking wines, differenty types of Soy, etc., and can't wait to get started on that too. Bought a lot of prawns, and fish and chicken - popped in the freezer, so its all there waiting for me!

Jam jars ordered andon the way too. Chunky Marmalades the first go - sounds nice and easy.

Its funny - when you have to cook, sometimes it feels a chore - when you can;t cook, its all you want to do!!! LOL

Oh well.

Well, I am going to watch some TC with my OH now as he has just come in from working on my car all day. Bless him.

Have a good night, and I'm sure we'll be carrying on about all this yummy stuff tomorrow!!!

Nite now.

OOOh totally yummy!!! I saw some moulds for those up near my mom's in a kitchen shop, must ask her to send some down for me. It looks so fabulous and summery. You could also make it in a terrine mould with frozen berries on the top for a dinner party and serve slices.. OOOh god I can't wait to cook again!!!

I'll leave this thread to you 2 for now - you are building up to a frenzy!
I'm going to the beach today - still managed to get a Charity Shop fix in on
Went out with my mum yesterday. She said "no veering off into charity shops."
I was known as Vera for the rest of the afternoon.........!
I substituted frenzy for a more sexual word! I know I could just get so sucked in to this thread I wouldn't do anytihng else all day.
Happy baking. C U 2 morrow.
Jez - you have truly got the charity shop bug now. Isn't it incredible what some people give away?
I got 2 pairs of shoes the other day. 1 x Kurt Geiger £3.50,
1 x Schuh £3.95. There was anotherlovely pair, but I coluldn't cram my feet into them!!
I substituted frenzy for a more sexual word! I know I could just get so sucked in to this thread I wouldn't do anytihng else all day.
Happy baking. C U 2 morrow.


Ohhhhhh!!! :rotflmao: hahahaha that makes more sense!!! :D

Its a vicarious thrill I tell you! (The cooking part that is. :giggle: ) :D

You have fun too lovey!!! :)

Jez - cakes are in the oven!

I used my new Jamie Oliver ceramic mixing bowl for the first time. I am certain that will make them taste better then the old, cracked white plastic mixing bowl I have been using for 8 years!!!! LOL

Making "Jam DOnut" Muffins - white sponge with a spoonfull of Strawberry-Champagne Jam baked in the middle. Yum. Wish I could have one!! LOL

I miss all my kitchen equipment - I have loads in storage in California, really quality stuff. My in-laws kitted my husband out with all the stuff he came with, and as they are not cooks, its all pretty naff.

I have been holding out because I did not expect us to be here this long, but I think I sense a new avenue for my money instead of charity shops coming on. Shame I cant do both!!

Lakeland - here I come!!! hahahah

Maybe for Christmas!

Will post piccies later!

Cakes all done! The photos are in my albums....I did not want to post them here, as sometimes it might be too triggersome for some....but if not, feel free to look!

I am chuffed, I think they are really cute!! :D I have never worked with Marzipan before, but sense I could easily get into palying with that - moldable food - what fun!! :D

Hope they are good!!!??? :D
BL those look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING !!!! Well done you, I would love the recipe, I was fiddling about trying to do that the other day with a choc and toffee cupcake - toffeel centre, but could not get it right, so would like to see what I am doing wrong. Marzipan is one of my favourite things in the entire world especially the one from Lubeck with the very bitter chocolate on the outside. I used to love little marzipan fruits when I was a kid, it was obviously fashionable in the 70's because I remember my Mom and Dad bringing them home for me after a dinner parties. The house is all done and finally springcleaned from top to bottom, so all I have yet to do with the day is my Jam and am going to make a batch of preserved lemons too. Will post some jammy pics either tonight or tomorrow. I will also admit to a sneaky run back to the charity shop - a' la Vera and found the most amazing amazing amazing Coast dress for £8 squids!!! I know it would have retailed at over £100 so bargain bargain.

What did you get up to today apart from the cupcake extravaganza??

SB what have you been up to?

Hiya dont know if anyone has answered your query?
I make loads of jams+chutneys etc and pop the glass jars and metal screw tops in the oven to sterilise...just wash the jars and pop into the oven for 10 mins.Pour in the jam etc immediatley and seal with the lid..:)
BL those look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING !!!! Well done you, I would love the recipe, I was fiddling about trying to do that the other day with a choc and toffee cupcake - toffeel centre, but could not get it right, so would like to see what I am doing wrong. Marzipan is one of my favourite things in the entire world especially the one from Lubeck with the very bitter chocolate on the outside. I used to love little marzipan fruits when I was a kid, it was obviously fashionable in the 70's because I remember my Mom and Dad bringing them home for me after a dinner parties. The house is all done and finally springcleaned from top to bottom, so all I have yet to do with the day is my Jam and am going to make a batch of preserved lemons too. Will post some jammy pics either tonight or tomorrow. I will also admit to a sneaky run back to the charity shop - a' la Vera and found the most amazing amazing amazing Coast dress for £8 squids!!! I know it would have retailed at over £100 so bargain bargain.

What did you get up to today apart from the cupcake extravaganza??

SB what have you been up to?


Aw, thank you Jez/ :) I think they are really sweet, if I do say so myself. SO Girly!! :giggle: I just hope they taste alright! lol It was fun, I enjoyed getting in the kitchen, even if I couldnt taste anything - it was still so fun.

Other then that, laundry, house work, all exciting stuff! LOL I did pop to the store though and got some pectin and sugar. I noticed you can get seville oranges in a tin already for making marmelade - seems to me though fresh would always be better?

Had a nice hot soak in the tub and read - that was nice.

And watched the planes from the SHoreham airshow flying over the house - very close to the house! Was exciting!! :)

Chilled night tonight - X-Factor and packs. lol
OOh yes X factor, I caught a bit last night, mid clean but am planning on watching properly tonight with my sister. The blackberry jam is bubbling away, smells divine - if you pm me your addy I will happily post you some for when you are having a little jam again.

lol have loved reading this guys , im soooo glad that its not just me thats into the whole food porn thing:eek:i loooove cooking and baking , my kitchen is where its at in this house lol:D
havent made much in the way of jams but my mum always did so going to start hav:Ding a go when hubbas back next week , hell eat it so it wont go to waste .
did make some nigelas spicy chilli jam christmas time , was amazing !!! ooo you guys really have started something here :D:D:D
oh btw bl love the cupcakes , they look gorgeous , and oh so girly x
jez i love sourdough so im going to give it a whirl !!!! lol ill let you know hgow it goes xxx
OOh yes X factor, I caught a bit last night, mid clean but am planning on watching properly tonight with my sister. The blackberry jam is bubbling away, smells divine - if you pm me your addy I will happily post you some for when you are having a little jam again.


Hey SUkie - nice to find another kitchen kobbler! :D

Jez- I hate the new X-Factor format! Live audience, music - its not the same.

But the very last auditionee - Danny - WOW - he's my pick for winner! He is amazing!! What a nice bloke!!! Enjoy!!!
Yay for food porn!!! So glad you are also bitten by the bug! It is nice to be able to think about food again - I kinda turned that switch off for a while but I think it was important to do so to get through the weeks of abstinence. Although I am still on the packs this is my head getting ready to return to food! The thought of a chicken breast is sooooo exciting.. and leaves, good green leaves omg and balsamic and fresh lemon!!!! Yum yum yum! Feel free to post some recipes here Sue - I think closer to Xmas I will start a "healthy" Xmas food post for us all.

lol totally agree with you about the new x factor format ,one of my staff members , megan , her brother was on last nights show , in the glasgow auditions. roy robson !! i was all cheering lol . so weird seeing him on tv !!!
its amazing how much i enjoy cooking now , but i get all excited about healthy food , love taking something , tweaking it and turning it into a gorgeous healthy meal , rather than a fat laden dish . dont miss the old types of foods at all , if i ever do have anything a little naughty im usually so dissapointed !! nothing comes close to the taste of anything in its natural state ! bliss :0)