week 10 weigh in

I agree lil you look skinny hun lol. Tall like me thats prob why! Ive always been loads heavier than my friends due to height and it makes you feel fat doesnt it? xxx
Yeah know what you mean thats the same as me, my face and arms went first. Lets face it Lil our arms had to go lol xxx
My arms are still chunky:sigh: I've started to use the hand weights to try and sort them out. I'd rather them be chunky and firm then chunky and wobbly...........I'm glad Garry's not signed in!! LOL
Lol i think he hears these comments hun, prob come on right now lol xxx
ideally i would like my legs to be the size my arms were lol hey ive noticed that ive got a flat tum now shame about the stretch marks though i didnt realise i had so many ,shaz the arm weights are a great idea i got some from asda with a exercise ball and a stretchy thing you wrap that round your foot and that helps with the dinner lady arms as well ,the kids love the ball i fell off it lol xx
My stretch marks really reduced towards then end hun xx
Thats like my inner thighs, its like a cat has scratched me lol Not as obvious now though! So what does microdermabrasion involve hun i wouldnt mind it x
so it just takes a small layer off? does it help with the scars? x
Wow sounds great i might have to look into that too, god ill be a new woman lol! xx
Thats brilliant! Im keeping track of your weight loss as our start weight is very similar. Im hoping mine comes off in similar quantities each week. How tall are you?
Im short and currently fat only 5ft 3
Great loss Lilo well done your looking goooooooood! XXXXXXXXX