Weekly weigh-in thread

Morning All - well done all you losers and the rest of you - stick at it!!

Drum roll............... half a pound off for me - YIPPEE

I know it does not sound much but in the scheme of things going back to eating after a VLFD is a daunting prospect and although I put on the first week, nothing more has gone on! Well pleased with a small loss this week.
Bren xx
Well done Quak... on the loss & the fab attitude. xx
Well done Bren, it's a start and your body is adjusting as you say.
Jim and Missy Ive posted yesterdays and todays menus in the what are we eating thread.

Gemsie if I drink any more water Im likely to start floating. Ive put in the what are we eating thread that Im drinking between 6-8 litres but its usually nearer 8-10.

Well done dizzy, that's a great loss :)
5lbs off for me this week! :D
YES!! that's a cracking loss red, well done love. :bliss: :bliss:
Well done Red that's awesome x
2lb off for me this week :)
Tummy playing up this week. I'm nervous because I've got an operation next Thursday for damage caused by my IBS :(
I'll be too frightened to eat anything!

But, I'm pleased with the loss
Oh Sharon, is that a complicated op love? not nice. Well done on the loss though love.
Late with weigh in as i'm just back from holidays. +2lbs for me this week. Not overly worried. Going to reset my stats to give me the motivation to get back in the game.
Hope not Jim, lol. I've been told it not nice after, I'll be left with an open wound!!