Extra Easy weetabix for breakfast?


Full Member
I have weetabix for breakfast most mornings but not the normal way with milk. Many moons ago when i joined SW for the first time one tip was to pour water from the kettle onto the weetabix until its soft, top with a splash of milk and candarel and away you go. This way i save a HEXA as i like to use my milk allowance in drinks during the day. This is second nature to me now.
i think a lot of old tips get forgotten about. Anybody else got any old style tips for us?
my mam does the same as you! :D

whereas i use 200ml SS milk for my weetabix in the morning but i take it to 400/500 ml by adding water and it makes my weetabix like a porridge. i love it! add cinnamon to it and woahh laa!
i use the 50ml of ss milk i have left on a cup of tea later