Weighing oneself


Full Member
Hi all, i was wondering if anyone makes an allowance for the clothes you are wearing when you weigh yourselves.

I know it depends on what you are wearing, but if you do what do you allow?
I weigh myself completely naked after I've had my 1st wee as that will give you the best accurate weigh in. Sorry, might be tmi :)
I'll try, but i think the people in Boots might have something to say about it :D
I'll try, but i think the people in Boots might have something to say about it :D

Don't you have a scale at home? If not, might be a good Xmas prezzie to ask :)
I tend to weigh myself a couple of times a week, usually try to wear the same, but today for example i was wearing jeans, sweatshirt and trainers, not the lightest clothing but it was freeeezing.
I also weigh after my first morning wee and naked
My scales are in the family bathroom, because there is a hard floor in there, right in front of a window overlooking a farm lane. I also weigh in au natural, which must make for some interesting sights as the farmer brings the cows up the road....! Fortunately he's stopped now cos it's winter.

I think so long as you wear more or less the same each time, and its the same time of day , you should get comparable readings.