What a long day its been

Well done, excellent work! Hope you feel better soon too.

Theresa x
If it's TOTM you'll probably find that you lose extra next week.

Well done on losing though, especially after the week you've had. Hope you're feeling better now :D
OMG just found my diary down on page 4 !!!!!!!!
ive had such a busy weekend no time to come on here !
Saturday i worked till 2 then went out sat nite to frankie & bennys had a rump steak and salad was lovely shame about the service there was 14 of us including 4 kids and the waitress had serious attitude with us so much another member of the group complained she then disappeared and we had the manager serving us !!

Sunday i was up and out by 7am and on my way to Poole to take my nieces out for the day as my Bro and his GF were moving house
the weather was awful but we managed to go to bournemouth pier and on the choo choo as my 21/2 yr niece calls it ! I then took them into town and treated to them to build a bear each OMFG bankrupt me ! but they were sooo worth it .
we then all went to harvester for tea i just had piri piri chix and salad it was ok but nowt special i had been good allday just had a ham sarnie and packet of golden lites on way down there oh and a huge lick of ice cream as a 2 yr old cant eat it all ;)

hope everyone had a gud weekend xxxxx

I live in Poole!! :wavey:

The weather was terrible yesterday wasn't it, shame cos it was lovely on sat..

I have told Mr G he will have to come visit me for a while because i cant go to Poole or Bournemouth at the mo as i really really really want a shakeaway :( lol
I lived in Manchester for 3 yrs and although I loved my time there and like going back I much prefer living here now ( so don't all shout at me!) but everyone's perspective and priorities are different.

Poole Town centre can be a depressing place I certainly agree, but there's more to it than that and I love it!! :):):)
I absolutley love going down to B'mouth and Poole and would move down to Bournemouth or Poole like a shot if circumstances were different. Manc's not all its cracked up to be

as it is Mr G's contract finishes at Christmas and he will be moving on to a new town somewhere else in the new year (last year it was stafford) we made the decision i would stay put in Manc and he would move around for his work as he is in a really specialist area where people tend to contract rather than get permenant jobs I cant keep following him round and moving from town to town

Kitty you did very well sticking to being good over the weekend :) i can never manage it when i go to the seaside Mr Whippy just calls !
I absolutley love going down to B'mouth and Poole and would move down to Bournemouth or Poole like a shot if circumstances were different. Manc's not all its cracked up to be

as it is Mr G's contract finishes at Christmas and he will be moving on to a new town somewhere else in the new year (last year it was stafford) we made the decision i would stay put in Manc and he would move around for his work as he is in a really specialist area where people tend to contract rather than get permenant jobs I cant keep following him round and moving from town to town

Kitty you did very well sticking to being good over the weekend :) i can never manage it when i go to the seaside Mr Whippy just calls !

Hope he gets to go somewhere nice and nearer you! must be a pain in the wotsit! Mind you there are times I wish OH worked away from home! :rolleyes:

Whereabouts is he at the mo. Poole or Bmth?

Mind you there are times I wish OH worked away from home! :rolleyes:

lol you miss em when they aint around

He lives kinda in the middle near the university

I hope he gets somewhere nearer also as it was lovely last year when he was in stafford could see him every weekend now its 7.5 hours on the megabus there and 7.5 back which means i can only really get down there once a month and he can only get up here once a month :(
I absolutley love going down to B'mouth and Poole and would move down to Bournemouth or Poole like a shot if circumstances were different. Manc's not all its cracked up to be

lol - funny aint it? i'd move to manchester like a shot - bournemouth and poole aint all it's cracked up to be either! ...unfortunately OH won't move as he won't move as he won't move away from his mum!
3lbs off this week !!!!!!!!!!!!!