What are the medical restrictions for Lipotrim?


Full Member
It's a bit vague, and would like to know what things they are before I trot off down to the chemist to try it out...

Help would be massively appreciated :)
I don't know I'm sorry, they ask you all the obvious question ie. do u have diabetes, high BP, chest pain. But what their criteria is only they will be able to tell you I'd imagine. If you have a relevant condition they may just want a letter from your gp to say its ok to go ahead. Maybe you could ring lipotrim first and see what they say. Best of luck!
re diabetes, you can do LT with type 2, not with type one, must be monitored closely with type two though as you will need to reduce meds as you go along x
A friend of mine was turned down due to a lump on her neck that was under investigation, due to not having an answer as to what it was, once she found out that it wasnt anything to worry about they have let her go on LT now x
I don't have any restrictions really - I have no medical conditions, but I do suffer with depression, and was planning on returning to my anti depressants soon, I had an abortion about 2 months ago and I'm on the contraceptive pill. I know Exante say you cannot do TFR when on any prescribed medication, and a contra-indication related to pregnancy and miscarriage, or with mental health problems. That might just be because they don't have any contact at all?

I'll have a look any way, a bit worried anyway I wouldn't be able to cope with how limited it is...but it could also be a great kick-start to my repeated 2nd year of university (I tend to distract myself from doing work, and eating is definitely a massive distraction because I'd never get anything in so I'd walk to the shops and spend a tenner on utter crap to snack on, then just watch films and tv etc...)

Thanks for the replies guys! Very much appreciated :) x
hope you find the answer, all you can do is go ask and see really. They also do this program through your own doctor, so maybe due to the problems you should consider that way? then at least you would see a trained doc each week xx