What are we eating today?

I never thought about different carbs affecting me differently, probably because my main carb vices are bread, chips and Chinese Jane.
Mmmm just did roast chicken and veg, did roast potatoes in garlic oil for the girls....they sure did smell good....but I stuck to my asparagus, brocolli and cabbage....

Anything potato is my vice too, and bread, love pastry too....lol
Good Morning.

B: left over lamb curry from last night, bit too much chilli. :)
L: I fancy a big fry up at the Cafe
D: Mousakka with some stir fried veggies.
Today had 3 boiled eggs for Brekkie
L - Tuna Salad
T - really not sure maybe pork and veg

B - 2 scrambled eggs
L - corned beef salad with mayo
D - salmon and salad
S - handfull of nuts
Morning all

B: left over Mousakka.
L: Not sure yet, something from the Cafe as usual.
D: It's friday, so first the pub and then a donner or curry after.
2 scrambled eggs
tuna and mayo salad
2 small chicken breasts with cheddar wrapped in bacon, brocolli and cauli,
2 glasses of dry white wine.
Morning all,

B: scrambled eggs and chives.
L: The Cafe as usual.
D: Gammon steaks and steamed veggies.
Good Morning.

B: left over gammon steaks fried up with onions and leek.
L: The veggie Cafe I'm thinking, I fancy their 3 cheese and spinach melt.
D: Something with lamb mince, probably Mousakka.
Hey Jim

do you have a recipe for mousakka? or can you just tell me what you put in it please?

Thanks Jx
I use

1lb minced lamb
1 large Onion
2 large aubergines
6Oz cheese
1 tin chopped tomatoes.
1 lamb stock cube.
Lots of chopped parsley, a whole bunch usually
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Fry the chopped onions, and lamb with the stock cube crumbled in until the onions are soft.

Slice the aubergine lengthwise into strips, about 1/4 of an inch thick.
Stir in the chopped parsley add the chopped tomato's and layer an oven dish with meat then aubergine then meat etc. Try to make the last layer meat. cover and cook in the Oven or 45 minutes. Cover the top with the grated cheese and then in the oven again until the cheese is browned.
LOL OK, I'll post it there then Laura. :)
Thank you for this Jim I will definitely try this....yummy....Jx
Brunch - haloumi cheese wrapped in bacon and grilled
Dinner - roast chicken with brocolli and cauliflower

Not very hungry at all today...
Good morning.

B: Left over Mousakka.
L: I'm meeting Colleen as usual as it's Wednesday.
D: I've got a Beef stew simmering in the slow cooker.
Good Morning

B: Beef stew.
L: Not sure, we have a meeting today but I don't know if we are having food brought in.
D: Fried chicken and broccoli and cauli florets

B: Porridge and berries.
L: The Cafe as usual.
D: TGIF, the pub and then a donner I suspect :D