What do you do with yours?

Linz hun im loving your new photo. Id put one on here but dont have any on the computer of me, all the ones on fb have been put on by other people
Cheryl - wow busy night then! bet there is never a dull moment!!

I hate photos too. especially at the moment :(
You look good in your photo hun. Nope never a dull moment, we can dream though. Its funny coz in the 7/7 bombings a broadcast went out saying unless an emergency please do not call for an ambulance, everyone was sat on station (unless we were in london) bored. Now why was it ok for that day only and then back to the crap every day after then?
Linz hun im loving your new photo. Id put one on here but dont have any on the computer of me, all the ones on fb have been put on by other people

It my next goal to get to that weight I was in my pic... 2 stone to go!!

If you save one of the fb ones to yr pc you can then upload it on here. x
oh wow that must have been strange. Cant believe the reasons people will ring an ambulance for.!
Didnt realise i can do that. I'll give it a go when im more with it. Lol. Im not very technicial minded
It my next goal to get to that weight I was in my pic... 2 stone to go!!
how long ago was that taken hon?
Yes please Cheryl :)
THanks Linz if i cant do it i'll get you to help!!

Ok so here goes........Called to a man that needed BBC radio's telephone number, someone needed a yog from their fridge and couldnt be bothered to get it and family refusing to wait on them, a lady with a spot on her face (only a little one) and ws going out that night so wanted it gone, people that want magic medicines for things like headaches, toothaches etc, broken fingernail, cant breathe coz toast had burnt but nothing wrong with them at all they just didnt like the smell, a sick dog, someone distress coz their mum gave them a funny look, the nut nut last night coz elephants were dancing in his room and he had people after him, a lady has had a problem for 6yrs and wanted it checked out to see if it had come back, a man that couldnt find a road and ws told the ambulance station was in that very same road.......the list goes on!
THanks Linz if i cant do it i'll get you to help!!

Ok so here goes........Called to a man that needed BBC radio's telephone number, someone needed a yog from their fridge and couldnt be bothered to get it and family refusing to wait on them, a lady with a spot on her face (only a little one) and ws going out that night so wanted it gone, people that want magic medicines for things like headaches, toothaches etc, broken fingernail, cant breathe coz toast had burnt but nothing wrong with them at all they just didnt like the smell, a sick dog, someone distress coz their mum gave them a funny look, the nut nut last night coz elephants were dancing in his room and he had people after him, a lady has had a problem for 6yrs and wanted it checked out to see if it had come back, a man that couldnt find a road and ws told the ambulance station was in that very same road.......the list goes on!

OMG!! WTF!! HOw on earth do you keep your cool when that happens?
Believe me its very hard and i think the only thing that keeps me cool is the fact the public are very quick to complai.n
Sorry Oliver decided to sit on the laptop. Public are very quick to complain and the service dont back us so we are left with a disiplinary or worse still loose our jobs over telling someone they shouldnt call for an amb.
Sorry Oliver decided to sit on the laptop. Public are very quick to complain and the service dont back us so we are left with a disiplinary or worse still loose our jobs over telling someone they shouldnt call for an amb.

Thats outrageous!! You guys do such an amazing job on the people that do need it... let alone on those that don't bloody need it!
I cover all over london now. I worked out of Forest Hill for 6 yrs then went back part time after having Oliver so cover wherever they need me and are short of staff
Omg The yoghurt one is a cracker!
I would get so annoyed!