What do you long for?


Silver Member
As well as the obvious...

I long to walk into River Island where something will actually fit me, pick up a nice little outfit without thinking "my arms are too big for this and it won't look nice".
A baby! My cycles are so irregular so it's hard to conceive at the moment but I'm hoping once I lose some weight that they'll return back to normal :)
Stars - me too! Having a baby is my biggest wish in this world and the whole reason I want to lose all this weight.
A baby! My cycles are so irregular so it's hard to conceive at the moment but I'm hoping once I lose some weight that they'll return back to normal :)

Stars - me too! Having a baby is my biggest wish in this world and the whole reason I want to lose all this weight.

My sincere wish for both of you is that you will get that little bundle very soon .. Keep going ladies it will be SO worth it!
Ankles, I want ankles. And to be able to wear heels.. My feet are very fat and ankles all swollen and I cant wear any of my pretty shoes anymore (you should see my collection). It took me ages to find a pair of runners to wear and even them I needed to get longer laces to tie them over my feet.
Ankles, I want ankles. And to be able to wear heels.. My feet are very fat and ankles all swollen and I cant wear any of my pretty shoes anymore (you should see my collection). It took me ages to find a pair of runners to wear and even them I needed to get longer laces to tie them over my feet.

I do feel for you because I love shoes too and with my disability and being rather aged I can't wear any nice ones .. used to wear 6" heels and platforms!
To have more energy to play with my daughter.
To not have to struggle out of bed in pain.
To be able to walk into any shop and have clothes fit me.
As well as the obvious...

I long to walk into River Island where something will actually fit me, pick up a nice little outfit without thinking "my arms are too big for this and it won't look nice".

This! I've already found since losing weight i'm being more daring with my clothing choices. 4 months ago you never would have caught me in a pair of skinny jeans or a tight top as I hated the way I looked in anything figure hugging but that's slowly starting to change.

I can't wait for the day when I feel confident enough to just walk in to a store, pick something up from the rack and know it'll look good!
Just knowing that I am worth something :badmood:

Of course you are.
You are certainly worth a lot to me with all the support and encouragement you have given me.

But we all need down days just to show us how good our up days are.
Hope everyone is progressing and feeling better in themselves.

We all have good days and bad and the bad days can just feel like a big weight you just cant get off you.

Try to do something that makes you feel good that has nothing to do with food. Even if you think your too busy....just make the time. One hour of the day for something. Make it for you. :)
We all have good days and bad and the bad days can just feel like a big weight you just cant get off you.

Try to do something that makes you feel good that has nothing to do with food. Even if you think your too busy....just make the time. One hour of the day for something. Make it for you. :)

Good post Mom .. however sometimes those bad days are part of our genetic makeup which we can't do anything about but I do understand your point.
Trouble is I have far too much time and only me to see to :rolleyes: