What do you need for a newborn baby kit?

on a purely practical note, make sure OH knows where everything is at home, when our 1st daughter was born, she was in special care for 5 days so we both had a longer stay than expected and needed more supplies brining to hopsital. trying to tlak MrB thru where he could find everything ,well i may as well have been talking chinese!!
lol not exactly but not the worst, but if you want something to steady your blood sugars etc then you want slow release like museli, porridge, shreddies or if packing in your bag then something like cereal bars that are 'healthy' types not covered in chocolate. lol bit boring but essential sometimes.
:) I've the opposite thing.. if I don't eat right then I eat every hour!! lol especially at the moment - I can eat 4 breakfasts if I don't eat the right one!! Seriously. lol My blood sugars are wrecked till lunchtime and I'm really shakey and likely to faint etc if I've not eaten protein.
Must admit I'm a big fan of boiled eggs and toast for breakfast!!

(How did this thread get on to breakfast?! lol..)
I'm really carb sensitive, if I started the day with cornflakes and sugar I might as well start it with a mars bar for all the good it'd do me! I try and have something lowish gi...burgen bread, boiled egg, or porridge. It's not really related to new born kit, but it does remind me I should have some protein with me when/if I go into hospital! I suppose I could include some low fat cheddar and a hard boiled egg in my hospital bag lol!
I remember a patient once bringing in frozen cheese and ham sarnies - genius idea! Meant she had them there just to grab when she needed and she didn't have to faff about making food while in labour!
I expect mini-babybell or something would work - and survive if time is against you.
The frozen sandwiches sound a good idea! lol
I was in hospital from 7am and had Erin at 8.30pm no food passed my lips till 11pm when I had 1 slice of toast! lol I didn't know you could eat in labour!! Let alone know to take my own snacks for after! lol

And it moved over to breakfast because we were talking 'snacks' for birth bag. lol
Eating in labour is really important - as long as you're low risk!! Gives your body the fuel it needs to get you through!
I'm assuming that eating is a no no in high risk cos of possibility of surgury? that maybe something to keep in mind
In early labour it's fine but once you're in established labour then it wasn't recommended when I was on labour ward.. I'm on NICU now though so the advice may have changed in the year or two I've been there!
awww don't say that sun! I neeeeeed to eat very regularly or I'll go off in a kind of hypoglycaemia thingy. Apparently my hospital has recently changed its policy and now allows eating, but didn't consider that might not apply to high risk :(
Lucozade then? Would they allow that?
Def packing food then.. just in case.
Can't have too much sugar, that would send me off the other way ;) Will talk about it with the consultant when I see her at 32 weeks because if I don't keep my energy up I won't be fit to give birth.