What do you use as your inspiration?

I have a top that I bought for my birthday party 2 years ago, it was on sale and the only one left - size 10. I was determined to slim down to it to wear it for the night out, but with one thing another that never happened.

It's been in my wardrobe ever since and i've yoyo'd around being able to wear it, but now i'm committed!

Also, I got to a lot of car shows over the summer, and watching the promo girls walk round makes me jealous lol
This is a bit sad....but my inspiration is 1) showing my ex-boyfs (who dumped me) what they are missing now; 2) finding a fella and not letting them treat me like rubbish just because I'm horrified at my own body. I guess it's about confidence really - and my self-confidence has been damaged by men and my weight.
To feel happy when I go out:) Every month we have a families happy hour, and the first time I went I felt so :( about myself, I stayed in the corner out the way as I could not fit into any of my nice clothes I got last year (was a stone lighter as followed CD:wave_cry:)

I want my children to see me healthy, my son can wrap his arms around me and push his palms together, he was giving me a hug one day and said, oh mum I can fit around you! I cried:8855:

When my daughter said, mum you look gorgeous when trying dresses on last week! And I felt it!

I am such a soppy muppet, and also nice underwear for hubby:eek::p
awww I wanna be thinner to find a good man to have babies with :8855: about 6 months ago my body clock started screaming at me telling me its time to have kids so now go gushy at baby clothes and babies in the street etc :8855:

I know the feeling lol i did my degree in Early Childhood Studies, which involves the development and psychology of children, and since going on placements etc i'm like ME WANT lol .. plus my cousin is 6 months gone at the moment and just looking at her i get jealous hehe :D been buying way too many clothes for the lil boy shes having 3 months to go! hehe may calm down a bit once it happens, at least i'll have my fix until it's my turn! :)