what happens if you cheat on ss?


Full Member
What happens if you cheat whilst on ss or ss+ ? is there a danger of your body hanging on to every thing you give it or will it just take a few days to get back into ketosis? The reason I am asking is just in case I do happen to slip in the next couple of months I would like to know the consequences beforehand
lol alarm bells and sirens go off. Only joking.

Good question but i dont know the answer.
Hmmm, well I think the biggest issue would be that you would fall out of ketosis. Your glycogen stores will return.
Meaning you will have to go back through the difficult early stage. Where lots of people feel really tired, moody, headachy etc
Knocking yourself out of ketosis means you're losing several days of weightloss. Also I know that I would find it difficult getting my head back in to the right mindset that I can't have food. I plan to stick 100% so I don't give myself any mixed messages!

I'm sure that there are other things to be considered and a CDC would be able to advise you more.
But I hope this helps.
Thats what I like to hear!
Sharing that you are having a tough time is probably the best way to deal with it so have done the right thing and it has certainly made me think I will do the same!