What have you lost?

awww thanks SB xx
thank you jezabella x
Today I've decided to think of it as having lost... 24 guinea pigs! :D

That's alot of guinea pigs :p x
A guinea pig riding a housecat - love it.
I've lost a tyre with a guinea pig in the middle! :D:D xx maxi xx
I'm losing body parts! So far I've lost my head, my skin and my (baby back) ribs!
I've now lost "red meat an average American eats in a year"
haha... this is hilarious...

i've lost a newborn giraffe and two guinea pigs :)

well done everyone!! i knew we were all making amazing progress but this just makes it even more impressive!!

0.5 lb off an elephants heart now lol
Ooooh! I've nearly lost a mid-sized microwave!! :eek:

Love it!! :8855:

That's handy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x ping.
Funny ha ha I hope !!!x
Fats and oils an American eats in a year and baby back ribs, ugh!! Nice!!