What have you lost?

Oh, no doubt! After all, you can't just lose an elephants penis!

I seem to have lost 4 human heads, if you can believe that?! I was carrying them around, no problems at all, and I literally blink, and pouff! Gone! I mean, not 1, but 4! That's just careless!!

Pinkie i found them but i threw them away :( sorry!
Cass!! For gorrrds sake! Well, I guess they're gone now... so, good riddance to 'em!! ;)

LOL!! xx
Wan't it Hamlet who used to carry his head around? Must have seen it 4 times !!!:p:(;):D
I can't find a Smiley like an elephant's pen*s - just as well really - might put us off our packs...................:eek:
LMAO!! SB, the mere idea that you went off hunting for an elephant penis smilie (man, that's a weird phrase!) really made me giggle!! Brilliant!

/I hope you had 'safe search' on, after all, that which has been seen... cannot be unseen!... :eek: LOL!

well i've now lost two house cats absolute result can't stand the critters! (more a dog person)
gold brick!

So this will be yours then?

Now lost :

amount of trash you throw away in a month

Charming, really. Haha
Jeez, that's so careless Lesley, aren't they endangered?
Yeah, and they'd probably weigh more if they weren't bald too..........