What is so good about water ??


Full Member
To be honest I have pretty much neglected the water consumption can someone tell me why its so important? If indeed it is xx

cheers :D
Water is extremely important
1: Our muscles are made up of 75% water & so require water to help them to stretch properly & prevent injury.
2: Glycogen is what provides your body with energy. Food is converted into glycogen & stored as adipose tissue when it is not used for energy. Glycogen is bound to 4 parts water. If you drink water this will help to 'wash out' all of that excess glycogen in your adipose tissues & slim you down.
3: Water is required to keep our kidneys healthy & flushes out toxins. It helps to keep our skin clear.
4: Water is a hunger suppressant so when you drink it you won't feel as hungry. Majority of the time when we think we are hungry we are in fact just thirsty & therefore if you don't consume enough water you will be more inclined to go for food which you may not actually need.
