What keeps you 100%?


Full Member
Hi All

Just wondered what keeps you 100%?

My motivation is high just now but this is just the start of Day 3 for me.

For me...I want to fit into all the clothes in my wardrobe and feel good in the company of others - feel so self conscious just now that I'm avoiding seeing people and I want to be a fit and healthy Mum. Also want to look in the mirror and feel positive about my reflection!

Would love to hear what keeps everyone 100% :)
You know what, I'd love to be able to say that this is all for myself and my health and that kind of stuff but I may as well be honest. I don't like looking chubby round the edges and I don't hold my weight well, it all ends up in the worst places. I want to look slim again like I did a few years ago for purely superficial reasons. Despite trying very hard not to (honestly have tried), I do care what people think of my appearance. I want to be slim so my boyfriend has something nicer to look at, and I want to be slim so that I can get some compliments off people like my family / colleagues / friends. And I want to be slim so that I can meet up with some old friends from uni and instead of being bigger than they remember me I'd like to be skinnier. I love the thought of people looking at me and thinking "she's got a great figure". And I don't mean guys, just people in my life generally who have only seen me get bigger as the years have gone on. I want to turn back time and be the skinny me again and have people think I look better than I did last time they saw me instead of bigger!

^ THAT is what keeps me going!
This might sound shallow, but I started Lipotrim on Valentine's Day because I couldn't stand being alone... originally the thought that maybe by next Valentine's Day somebody would look twice at me got me through, then on my second round I mainly get through by thinking of my graduation in late July, and how that photo will stay with me for life. Then there are the things like being able to show my arms and legs in summer, wearing a pretty dress at the annual ball in June in front of my friends, looking around the room and not feeling like the fattest person there, being able to go for a run without feeling that everyone's staring at me... I could go on (wow, this sounds vain!)
I stay 100% because as a fat person I feel like I only lead half a life. :wave_cry::)
I stayed 100% because the thought of going through day 1-4 again was not appealing :cry: and for most of the reasons everyone else has said.:D
skinnylove, I love your honesty, it's such a buzz to get a compliment and especially about how good you look :)

Cuqsuita - I don't think there's anything wrong with losing weight to meet someone, you'll be happier and more confident in yourself and it means you start the relationship feeling in a better place. No vanity, just new found confidence in yourself!

Daisy, I'm sad and happy for you all at the same time, here's to living a belter of a life, your weight loss is so inspiring :)

Kay - I'm with you on that, looking forward to my first weigh in is keeping me going tho!

Thanks for your replies, it's really helping me stay focussed, your inspiration is much appreciated xx
I want to be thin again, I feel ashamed when I look in the mirror and realize how bad I have gotten. I dont want to be the token fat friend I want to be a normal size and be able to walk into any store and buy clothes. For me it is a self worth thing, I didnt care about my weight as much when I was thinner and now i refuse to buy clothes and just feel bad about myself most of the time. I am getting better as the weight is comming off as I can see my body changing and looking better.
Wanting to be slimmer again, having clothes that fit, being able to do more with the kids, not being the biggest out of all my friends, feeling good about myself & looking good ;)
For me it's to finally be able to live my life and stop hiding behind my baggy jumpers!! To feel confident and happy and yes to meet that special someone even if I have to kiss a few frogs first ;)
