Extra Easy Whats the....


Full Member
Hey, what's the average weekly loss on extra easy?! Thanks xxxx
The plan is designed so you lose 1-2 lbs per week but it does vary per individual.
^^^^ This. But it does vary depending on your age, general metabolism, how how much exercise you do etc. I've been doing Extra Easy for 4 weeks and have lost 12 lbs. But everyone is different and I personally expect my weight loss to slow down a bit now.
Hey, what's the average weekly loss on extra easy?! Thanks xxxx

I lose anything from half a lb to 6lb all depends on the excercise and how well i stick to plan but i always have at least 7 syns a day
in an ideal world its designed for 1-2lb. But everyone is different, i personally on full EE weeks barely lose 0.5lb at best. But others may love 4 or 5lb. As I say everyone is different.