whats you favourite smell????

1, Subway/Mcdonalds
2, Fresh baked bread
3, A skunky spliff (quit years ago but love the smell)
MMmmmmmm grilled cheese!!!

Freshly cut grass


Smells hmm...........

the air just after it rains (so fresh)
Bright crystal-Versace (purfume)
Comfort - (fresh washing)
Indian food
The beach
Is Crude Coal Tar the stuff that smells like Vaseline?
I love that when they're putting down a new road.
I love the smell of my bf-he's one of those super clean, naturally scented people.
Buttered toast
Lenor Black diamond and lotus flower
My nana
Home cooking

1, Subway/Mcdonalds
2, Fresh baked bread
3, A skunky spliff (quit years ago but love the smell)

omg - i love the smell when u walk past a subway.... sooooooo nice
"A baby's head Louise "what ya talking about Willis" ;);):D:D

Chunky (dog food) ---Oh I Love this aswell :D (doesn't have to be chunky though)
The morning after bonfire night, the smell of burning in the air, and the cold weather, then you know christmas is around the corner.