When you fall off track?


Silver Member
Hey guys.
I really need help getting back on track, I am tracking before eating but then I feel weird, like I must eat and I find whatever. Today was crisps, only a handful at most but still it means I'm going to go over as I have a meal tonight. It'll basically be potatoes, veg and gravy since it's a carvery and I'm newly vegetarian.

Please post below when you fell off and how you managed to get back on...
It may only apply to those who really struggled at the first part of the journey, the first couple of weeks/months.

I'd like to hear from you, perhaps we can support each other.


Sorry you're not feeling motivated at the moment. When I fall off track I have a tendency to feel really fed up with myself which makes me more likely that I'll go even further off track! I ended up in a vicious circle and felt totally !!!!! about myself. After many ups and especially downs I keep myself going by trying to think longer term. I spent years getting over weight and I've told myself it's ok I it takes a long time to get it off. I try to accept hat there will be few blips along the way but overall the trend is downwards. I graph my weight on the computer and have weight going back about 15 months so taking the big picture really helps for me. I don't lose quickly but I remind myself that I'm heading in the right direction.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. Remember you're human and accept your slips. It doesn't make you a bad person. Think long term.

I hope this helps a bit. I'm sure lots of other people will have their thoughts to share too.

All the best.

I'm really hard on myself, I don't understand why I find it so hard to put the bad food down. I know I comfort eat really badly, the first thing I want to do when I'm stressed or upset is get some food...
I'm stressed and upset a lot lately because I don't like where I work and my OH and I are trying to get a place together as I'm struggling on my own due to all the government changes.

Today I've eaten a few handfuls of handcooked crisps and 1 kitkat chunky bar. I'm overly anxious and have had a lump in my throat since this morning >.<
I'd suggest that maybe the being so hard on yourself is why you feel the need to pig out. A sort of rebelling thing, trying to escape the tyranny of your own inner voice. You don't need that inner critic! Make a resolution to lose her along with the fat ;) You want other people to treat you nicely, right? So, start with treating yourself nicely :heartpump:

I had to get OK with me, before I started losing steadily. Maybe you can make that a focus, too?

The bottom line is, you lose more long-term when you're happy and feeling inspired rather than beaten up. Inspiration is the happy, confident glow which comes from within, where you feel excited and passionate about your new body and are focusing on how good it feels to be healthier, happier and reaching your goals. So, if you're feeling 'off track', it's not about the eating - the eating is just a symptom of something else. The something else is the getting out of kilter emotionally. This may be stuff to do with 'life', it might be because you're beating yourself up (it's probably that) or it might be because the diet you've chosen is too restrictive and you can't be happy on it (that's a kind of beating yourself up - 'right, body, you got fat so now I'm gonna control you!!').

No part of yourself likes being controlled. You like being loved, encouraged and spoken with gently. Do this, ease up on yourself and you'll have much better long-term success and happiness.

Also, try thinking of your calorie counting as a new lifestyle that may (will) take a few months to adjust to. Allow yourself to be wherever you're at with it.

Finally, when I get off track....I...

1. Stop calorie counting for a few days and stop weighing myself.
2. Be extra nice to myself, spend time with with fun people.
3. Focus on eating healthy for those few days...have a blow out if I need to then enjoy making some healthy dishes with lots of veggies in them and drinking lots of water.
4. Re-get-in-touch-with why I am getting healthier and closer to my goal body...for me, this is looking at nice clothes online and imagining myself at goal, looking and feeling amazing and super happy - but for you it's whatever inspires you and makes you feel GOOD.
5. Be really nice to myself.
6. Take the long-term view.
7. Be nice to myself ;)

I then, after a few days, naturally start calorie counting again :)

Good luck! Also, be nice to yourself :)
Four weeks from starting this I'm still trying to drag myself back on the plan, I've hit 16st 2.5lb & the size makes me feel sick... it's my 'danger' zone, I know if I don't do something now i'll be 17/18/19 stone and I've never seen myself get that big so I must do something now...

I've started doing more research, setting more foundations down to start properly. I'm 500cals over today due to going out with friends, my lesson is to choose smaller or different meals next time... tomorrow I'm out at the cinema, no cinema treats will be eating and I'll drink low cal drinks and water at the pub after/before.

My signature has changed, I'm going to focus on a smaller goal of around 1 stone instead of the 6 I need to lose, we're going to walk every night and my partner is going to push me to do exercise bike 10 minutes a night then more as I get used to it... I have been looking into the 5:2 diet but before I do it I need to research it more, I have the books and it seems good but the posts on facebook seem a bit hit and miss. x