Where could I get this...


Full Member

(Not the mug, lol)

I'm part of the social team for my group and I'm the one that weighs everyone in each week. I love being able to share their journey with them but I hate seeing them get annoyed at the fact they've 'only' lost 1/2 lb or 1lb. I, myself am disappointed when I have a result like that but as I tell them... It's going in the right direction.

So I was thinking about getting the 1/2lb or 1lb body fat thing so that I can show them just how much they've lost the next time they're disappointed, then hopefully they wont be so disheartened!

I know when someone is giving a talk on healthy eating etc have one for like going around schools but does anyone know where I'd be able to buy one? & if they're expensive to buy? :confused:

I know I could easily use a bag of sugar but I thought maybe if they knew what 1lb of body fat actually looked like then it could help in some way and add to their motivation!