Where do i sign?!! Im in!!

Thursday i think babe, i dont really want to. I wish i could see the rest of my dieting out with juddd but im a religious 5times a day weigher! So i just wana get dwn to 11st and then resume with juddd at 11, iv been on this for 5 weeks now so i do feel like iv given it a good go :)
My plan for tomoro is : hit the gym in th morning at 8am (if i get up!!!!!) intense hour workout - come back and get ready for father inlaws wedding and eat and drink alllll dayyyy!!! Plan!!!!
sounds blimin lush wish i was coming!! loool x
hey hun! are u starting back on cd today? im starting it on saturday, got a chicken soup sample from slim n save to try tonight so if i like it i will order a week's worth and use them afer my cd shakes run out on tuesday! hoping a week of SS will get my last few lbs off xx
Hey babe, starting tomoro now!! Bit hungover today so cudnt face it!!! Lol ahahhaah!! Im jist so glad me u and missie r doin it at the same time - we can push each other through it!!! I stuck it out for over 3stone loss, surely i can hold out for about 10lbs???? Gonna have to really dig deep arent we?!!!

Here is me yest dressed up for inlaws wedding, size 12 dress :)


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Sorry for the late reply!

That day I ended up having an ud, I just felt crap and fed up and thought stuff it, then I went straight back to a dd with no problems next day and tbh have found the dds really easy this week.

The thing which is p'ing me off now is the lack of weight loss. Wi today another sts. Makes me wonder why I'm bothering! I am glad I've found a way to maintain my weight whilst eating what I like tho. So I'm now considering on my uds basing most (not all) off my food on slimming world free foods, just to get the weight off hopefully. I'll still have my treats on uds when I fancy them but ill try to include protein rich things like beans and quorn to fill me up more. I have found that since starting adf ive really spoilt myself on uds with chocolate spread on toast and loads of mozzarella! (Wtf, I never eat chocolate spread normally?!?!)

I think I've been overdoing the uds and I'm hoping a 90% slimming world principle will get the weight loss started. I don't want to stop doing the uds and dds cause I'm well into the routine now and I think maybe doing it this way will get things going? Worth a try I suppose.

I noticed a lot of you are leaving juddd, is that from lack of loss too? Will you be coming back to maintain?

im only leaving juddd for the next week or so, think missie and little mumma are doing the same. its really just to boost the weight loss and then return to juddd. as daft as it sounds im obsessed with the scales so for me psychologically if i can get to 8st 10lbs then i'll be happier seeing a 2lbs gain after an up as i would still be in the 8s whereas now after a 2-3lbs gain, its taking me back into the 9s so if i can dig deep and stick the shakes for another week, hopefully that'll get me where i want to be on the scales and will take the pressure off for a bit! but will defo be juddding again by the end of the month! x
Hey babe, starting tomoro now!! Bit hungover today so cudnt face it!!! Lol ahahhaah!! Im jist so glad me u and missie r doin it at the same time - we can push each other through it!!! I stuck it out for over 3stone loss, surely i can hold out for about 10lbs???? Gonna have to really dig deep arent we?!!!

Here is me yest dressed up for inlaws wedding, size 12 dress :)

Babes im gonna try for 10lbs too and that dress is lush you look hot xx
yes u look lovely in your dress, you've got a lovely figure already but i know what its like when you're pushing for that goal weight, nothing satisfies you until you see it on the scales! xx
Ah im glad ur coping well on ur downs now :) ill keet track of ur stats whilst ur using s.w too!! See if it works out,
Yes we r having a week or 2 back on vlcd to hopefully shift a bit more! Iv defo noticed the inch loss with juddd - but im a weigh-a-holic lol so the fact that i havent really moved dwn the scales much in the last 4weeks is bothering me even tho i look smaller! :O so im hoping a quick week or 2 on cd may get me to the low 11s and then back to juddd :)
lumpyandbumpy said:
yes u look lovely in your dress, you've got a lovely figure already but i know what its like when you're pushing for that goal weight, nothing satisfies you until you see it on the scales! xx

See, i got a lot of compliments yday about how slim i looked and people looked gobsmacked wen i said i wanted to lose another stone and a half....... Mayb i look a bit lighter then 12st i dunno????? But 10st 7 (target) is not unhealthy and a normal average weight...... I'll be in the high'nornal' bmi xx
i wish that i'd stuck at CD for a few more weeks before i started juddding in the first place, cant imagine what its going to be like to just have shakes again! i know its only for a few days really but still, 3 shakes a day, aaaaaaa! xx
babe im on day too and its not that bad and i acutally like the shakes. Make sure your really positive and ready for it though else it will be hard for you. Just imagine how your gonna feel in the eights again xxx

mumma 3.99 wowzers i never find bargins like that.
I defo think juddd is the way forward for maintaining and even shifting a bit over a longer period of time im just mega impatient lol!!!!!

Ummmm god i dunno!! Wen i did s.w 2 yrs ago i lost a stone over 8weeks, doing mostly e.e and always havin a pig out day!!! So that was ok :)
i defo think juddd works for maintenance and the best bit is that when u actually want to maintain rather than lose weight, you can up your calories to around 1000 on down days if you are doing some form of exercise which will make it far easier to follow than the strict 500 cals at the moment. not saying it doesnt work for weight loss too as there are plenty on here who are losing through following juddd but im finding its too slow for me as im so close to goal i just want to get there and start toning instead of obsessing over the scales so much! xx
Exactly lumpy!!! We r so similar lol!! (even tho ur half the size of me!!) but we think the same dont we lol!!!

lol yes its great to have like minded people to talk to! although its crazy the amount of time i weigh in a day, i cant stop myself so i need to see good numbers coming through that scales otherwise i'll end up sectioning myself!! am even contemplating hypnotherapy to stop me wanting to pick on food and obsessing over the scales. will price it and see if i think its worth it! xx
Im actually scared of weighing as i nearly passed out last time having gone from 10st 5 to 10st 11 in the space of four days!!
You know what might be worth a try littlemumma, I know you have been seeing the positive effects Juddd have been having on your size just disappointed with the scales, I do know where you are coming from cos can't get past 12 1 at the moment. I love the fact that you lose size over weight but also want the scales to move so for the next 2 weeks I am going to shake it up a bit by doing 4 DD s and 3 UPs M,T,TH,F DD's and W,S,SN UP days, So 2 double downs, by doing this I know I won't start losing muscle/water but keep losing the fat. It is of course your diet you do what you feel is right for you, but when I was on a vlcd last summer I weighed 11 7lbs BUT was bigger in size than I am now even though I weigh heavier ??? SO maybe before doing a couple of weeks vlcd do something similar to me so that you keep the 'juddd' effect whilst still losing hopefully pounds???? Just a thought hun xx
MissieCB said:
Im actually scared of weighing as i nearly passed out last time having gone from 10st 5 to 10st 11 in the space of four days!!

Oh god missie!! Yeah mustve been a little shock there??!! Aha! Onwards n downwards:D