where have you noticed your weight loss?


Full Member
Sorry if this has been discussed before. I had a quick search but couldn't see anything.

I've lost 21 pound so far and it seems to be off everywhere except my tummy and my extra chin which are the bits I hate most. Typical!! My rings are loose on my fingers, my flip flops are loose and my leggings are baggy on my legs. Where have u noticed your loss?
lost 13lbs and come off fingers (er why???) and my waist. Hate my tummy and thats not altered a bit and my boobs have stayed huge (wishfull thinking they will shrink!)
The most noticeable place for me is my boobs... my bras are now all too big in the cup :cry: I know I would have needed to lose some from them to be in proportion with the rest of me but... more has gone from them than anywhere else I think! Though the dress I am wearing today is quite tight across the chest so it's making me feel quite busty, even if I'm not these days!

I think it's probably gone from most places really, bit by bit, with me - I can definitely tell my legs are slimmer, though there's still some way to go with my thighs. My stomach seems to be the place it's going from least though, but I can just about notice that I have a waist now!
Thankfully mine is coming off everywhere! My wedding rings don't fit me anymore, going to get them resized when i finish loosing weight, I just wish loosing weight would make me taller! :rolleyes:
I have also lost 21lbs and I notice mine from my hips and bum! Got quite a lot to lose though yet so hopefully my tummy will catch up! x
the strangest place i discovered after losing all my weight was under my armpits. It take me ages to get used to it, and shave without a blood bath! lol. xxx
I've noticed on my fingers too (rings are loose) and my hips and thighs. I've also had to use the smallest hooks on my bra band, so it must be going from there too :)

Sadly, it's all off at the same rate, so even though I need to buy smaller clothes I'll still have the same wiggly bits...just less of it.
For me I'd have to say everywhere but I have lost 4st 11.5
I've lost just over a stone a half and it seems to come off my chin, my shoulders (weird) and my lower arms and wrist....... Everywhere I don't want it to go lol hopefully it's making it's way south and I'll start shrinking other places too lol xxx