Why am i still feeling hungry this time??


Full Member
It's strange as fully in ketosis as i just checked but I am sitting here and my stomach is literally grumbling so loudly my son is laughing!! I have had 2 Ltrs of water so far and 2 coffees, I never got this last time round, anyone else get this??
Do you still feel hungry or is it just a rumbly tummy? Mine used to constantly rumble which was very embarrassing, but I was never actually hungry.
Ive had it too, my tummy rumbles a lot, and majority of time, Im not actually hungry, although I have had the mental hunger.

I have had 2 occasions so far though where I have been hungry, not sure why, just keep glugging the water.
i feel hungry relatively often - especially if i'm stressed.
Interesting spangles as I have been stressed to bits today trying to work out who I will have to let down tomorrow as I cannot be in 2 places at once :( maybe that is why, I have been good and just ignored it!
Sometimes I get like that with stress as for all these years I have been a comfort eater :0( or should I say was lol ) I hope this will change)