Why are we doing this?

That's a great one lizzy!

Not to keep pulling my top down and generally looking uncomfortable with myself!

Not to always have a cushion or my bag in front of my belly when i sit down!
great thread julie!

my reasons;-

I wasn't always a fattie, I used to be slim and toned. I was actually very happy with my weight for some years. And then I met my fiance, Craig, where I became very comfortable and let my self go...

Now, I just want to get it back. I hate the way fat people are treated differently... in shops, restaurants, walking down the street, in the gym, swimming pool wherever...

I managed to loose a decent amount of weight about 2years ago and the bitchy girls in the office where I worked started saying "ooh, thats a nice top Lacey, where did u get it?" and "hi Lacey, do you wonna come out on Saturday night??" and I'd be like, "er, I've this top ages, how come u didn't notice it before??" And "thanks for the invite to skinny girls club night out but how come I wasn't invited when i was a fatty??"

I'd been working there 6months before I lost any weight, and not once had a girl passed a compliment on my clothes and certainly not invited me out on a night out..

Anyway basically I just want to be slim, healthy and not be addicted to fatty, sugary foods and just be happy. :)

I dont want my weight to get in the way of me leading my life anymore.

Thanks julie for the great thread (again!!)


I can certainly relate to that. What winds me up is when some arse walks up to me and taps me on stomach with a stupid bloody grin on their face.:mad: I dont think he will be doing it again soon, we had a slight fall out;)
One of my colleges said something to one of the older men like "with your great big Kerry belly" and the older man laughed it off but because I used to be his manager I know that he'd been in hospital after starving himself so I was raging! I think it's awful! I used to work in a bar and one day the manager who was about three times my size told me to move cos he couldn't get by me and said i'd have to lose my belly if i wanted to work behind a bar!! I wasn't even too big at the time more "chubby"!!
I hate behaviour like that, certainly in work places!!
To look in the mirror and like what i see . Many more ... but i'll let others have a say before i nick everyones thoughts :)
Gemma , That was a good one , made me chuckle hehe
to stop using 'being fat' as excuse for the things i can't do, for the things i don't have and to stop using it as a defense mechanism!
To be able to fit comfortably in an aeroplane seat :eek:

To be able to sit on any chair I want without analysing whether my fat butt can fit into it without either A)Busting out the sides or B) Just not fitting into it at all :eek:

Oh and to be under the "maximum weight" to do a rally driving day and Orbing!!!!!! (I think the max is something like 16 stone, so maybe you can do this already, but I can't!)
To be healthy and fit before I start my family... I don't want my future children ending up with an unhealthy attitude to food, and I want people to know I am pregnant as soon as I get a bump - not just assume I am fat!!
I can so relate to that lightlifeclaire bout the plane seat. As i fly quite often, i always get weird look from the air crew. Also most embarrassin mo was wen i went to thorpe park this summer. Sat in the train for collsseus and had to get off cuz the restraint didnt fit. My bf was nxt to me.I was mortified!!! Even qued for 1 hr. Wot a waste.
Ohhh me too!! I went away in August and the seatbelt was really loose and had to tighten it then went away in November and it JUST fit at the longest! Like another stone and I doubt it would have!
Wow they are all good reasons!!! And I can relate to them all.
I want to do this so I can feel 'normal'. People think nothing of making nasty spiteful comments to us larger gals and boys and I am sick of taking it.
I want to climb a flight of stairs without needing oxygen lol!
My knees are knackered. Everytime I move they creek BIG TIME. My mum has really bad arthritus (how do you spell that???) and I can already feel the beginnings of it. Its amazing the difference the two stone has made, but another stone and a half and hopefully they will feel a lot better. Plus.....I want a nice Bod!!
To not be obsessed about what i look like anymore, not think about it all the time. To be able to wear clothes without worrying about what "still fits". For weight to not be an issue for me anymore!! Oh and to be able to see people i havent seen for ages without the worry that i was smaller the last time i saw them.
Also i want to be slim so i get cruel remarks thrown at me in the street. One lad (bout 16-17 yrs old) called me a "fat cow" in the middle of the town centre. Must admit it broke me and needless to say it didnt do much for my self esteem!!!
Gemma that's awful! It realy riles me the way its perfectly acceptable to abuse us like that. I know it's easier said than done but just try to ignore it,he's just an ignorant bonehead lol.xx