Why don't Cambridge advertise?


Gold Member
Having heard WW's hilarious new advert several times today -- "You can lose up to 5 pounds in 2 weeks" (corrr... :D), it got me to wondering.

Why don't Cambridge advertise more? I don't get it. This diet works--really, really works. But although I've done just about every other diet in the world (or so it feels...) I'd barely heard of CD when I started.

Don't get it. :confused: It's a brilliant alternative to that most extreme of dieting aids gastric banding--a damn sight less dangerous for a start. And for anyone who's got the daunting prospect of losing more than a couple of stones, it's a godsend--you see results so quickly that you're motivated to keep going. This diet--if done right--isn't dangerous, despite an awful lot of people (mostly thin people, LOL) telling me that it is. So why don't Cambridge spend some money on putting the record straight? No wonder some GPs refuse to sign the medical forms...

Anyone know why?
PR is free and advertising is costly. We use a lot of PR. If Cambridge were to advertise the cost would need to be recovered from somewhere and more than likely the price of the diet would increase to cover the costs.

Individual counsellors do advertise, however, a lot of our clients come via the web in response to the PR stories we have in the press. So far this year there have been 3 stories in The Sun's Fit Squad.