Why is it so quiet in here?.....

Dunder Doodles

Full Member
Hi everyone,

It seems so quiet in this forum compared to others, such as Lipotrim for example...
Do you think the cost is part of the problem? I know a lot of people say Slim and Save is so much cheaper, and the packs are supposed to be really nice.
I know what I'm like, if I didn't have the weekly WI, plus the opportunity to meet the other people in my group each week, I would have caved in by now - just knowing other people are going through the same, seems to make it feel easier :)

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Dunder you're doing so amazingly!! I'm very impressed with your losses :D

To be fair, those meetings and the weekly weigh in is exactly what kept me going the first time I did the VLCD. I NEEDED someone else to take control for me.

Subsequently I worked on the self-control and willpower elements on my own, so I find SnS works better for me. I don't find it difficult to stay "on the wagon". :) Even with food around me - I know what I want, I know I can get there, so this diet thing is easy.

The cost is a big issue, the packs on SnS are nicer and I do feel LL are very ... brainwashy in a way? It's also very much a luck of the draw with LLC's.

I do realise that it's a little hypocritical for me to say "I attended LL meetings, I've learned everything I needed" and still be obese (having obviously regained). I do see how it looks... but - in retrospect - LL didn't and couldn't possibly teach me everything, there was nothing in the manual about how to deal with extreme situations. I didn't regain weight because I went back to old habits, quite the contrary. I changed a lot of those old habits for good ones which my OH and I still keep 5 years later. I regained because I didn't know how to cope with panic attacks, stress and bereavement all at the same time. But, unfortunate as it is, it was a learning experience which I dealt with on my own...

Doing this SnS VLCD after going through all that is easy, as those coping strategies - no one can teach you, except yourself. :)

Either way, if you're feeling lonely - you are more than welcome to post on the other VLCD forums, after all - we're all going through the same things!

Hi Minerva,

Thanks for your reply! I totally hear what you are saying, sometimes, life throws some really horrible things our way, and we have to cope whatever way we can :-(

I never judge anyone who's struggling with a weight issue, I know only too well the daily challenge we face and how it almost feels impossible to overcome the issue when it's all we've known for so long.

One day at a time, that's how I'm going about it this time.....

You're doing just GREAT too!
Indeed... struggling with weight is such a lonely place to be. I mean, when we secret eat - are we secretly eating to hide it from others or from ourselves too? Probably a bit of both, because we don't want to admit to what we're feeling... being fat is also such a comfort zone, being unnoticed and ignored is sometimes a 'safe' place to be. I've been big all my life, so the first time I lost this weight - it was F***ING SCARY. I felt like an alien, my body wasn't my own and people were noticing me.

Hopefully, this second time it won't be such a shock.. I know what to expect and realise that my weight isn't ALL that I am. :) For some reason I got wrapped up in some idea that all I was - was my body, not ME in my heart and mind. Do you know what I mean?

I know you'll get there, you seem positive and learning things from group. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other... before you know it, you'll be at the finish line.
