Wii Fit


It Girl, Rag Doll
I just got a Wii Fit for my birthday the other day, just wondered if anyone has one and been using it daily/weekly/whatever and seen results?

I've only been using it for 4 days and i have the pain you get after a workout... does this mean it's working?

It is fun to use and saves embarrasing myself t the gym tho!
my sister got one to get fit and got bored quickly, i think i would suggest it as an initial get fitter route. then try branching out to other things as well
It does mean its working. I have had my Wii fit since January and i try to go on it as much as i can for at least 20minutes.

I have lost 30lbs so far so it must be doing something.

I have just got that E-active too, that tells you also how many calories your burning as you work out!
What helps me is if you put your MP3 player in your ear. It makes you go for it and put more effort in. Alternate the stuff you do so you dont get bored,t hats the answer.
I am going to start going out running i think aswell with it as i have been using it for 6months now nearly so wnt to vary my routine :)
wow, 30lbs? well done! are you dieting as well?
Yeah that Active thing looks da bomb! Think i'll get it this week, the wii fit can be repetitive, but as i say, I self concious about going to the gym and there arent many places to run round here (it's practically all housing estates!) so it seems like a good alternative, considering I wasn't exercising at all before!
I am doing calorie counting too. Been doing it since first week of Jan. GEtting frustrating now though as it has slowed right down :(
yeah I'm finding it really difficult already, how many you sticking to a day?
what sort of stuff you eating?
eatin anything i want as long as i am within calories.
i have cut down alot of bread, pasta and potatoes though :)

bananas, alpen light bars, fridge raiders, yoghurts, chicken hoi sin pancakes to have in place of crispy duck haha